1. bsosnik

    Response: Masters of Photography

    While watching the Masters of Photography documentary about Diane Arbus, I found myself intrigued and confused at the same time.  I liked the concept of the photographs with the narration throughout the video.  The narration being a recording of Diane’s own speech, even though it was rerecorded by someone else, was really neat idea and it played […]
  2. thirstytony

    Minimalist Poster (Final Project)

    I decided to replicate an iconic moment of this class as part of my final project! Brian imitating Anchorman, trying out the tongue twister and all! I even replicated his glasses using a screen shot of one of his videos and paint! Here is the video that shows the moment portrayed in this minimalist poster: […]
  3. thirstytony

    Response to Diane Arbus

    In a documentary about Diane Arbus titled “Masters of Photography”, someone mentioned that she likes to “work from awkwardness”. This captured my attention. Apparently, she said that she does not like to arrange things (this, amongst other things reminded me of Henri Cartier-Bresson). When standing in front of something, she prefers to move herself rather ...
  4. arianaln

    Response To “Masters Of Photography”

    First off, the lady speaking at the beginning’s afro really distracted me from listening to what she was actually saying. So did her glasses because they took up half of her face. Some of the cinematography was awkward and strange, like the random shot of her hands and the uncomfortable zooming in and out. At ...
  5. hfaley

    Candid Camera


    This article interested me with its talk of candid photos, so yesterday I decided to see if I could capture a candid camera moment. It’s not easy! I took a lot of photos before capturing this one, which neither guy thought I was taking, since I used my phone. I just love the mix of emotions - shock and terror on the Michael’s face as my friend Paul squeezes his cheeks and looks like he’s in absolute turmoil. I like the idea of not offering any context to the situation - it begs the questions of what exactly was going on for this to happen.

    I edited the picture a little, messing with the shadows, contrast, tint (I made it a little more blue to accentuate both of their outfits) and definition. I like the way it looks a lot - kind of sharper that a normal picture, and a little more textured.

  6. eitantal


    After exploring Cambridge in Colour I decided I wanted to try a panorama photo.  Digital photo stitching allows for the photographer to take a wider angle view than the lens would normally allow.  To do this I downloaded the Photosy...
  7. bridghi

    What is a portrait?

    The next aspect of photography I chose to learn more about is portraits. That's because to be honest I have no idea what makes a photo a portrait, or what photographs would qualify as portraits. Or if it even matters.A portrait I snapped of my grandfat...
  8. janus ajax

    Lighting! I messed around with lighting. It’s interesting…


    Lighting! I messed around with lighting. It’s interesting to see that having lots of light isn’t actually a good thing. Sometimes light can be too much and wash out a picture but we also constantly battle with getting enough light for pictures. Night pictures can be hard depending on the amount of detail you want in the picture and what ambient light is around. I played around with my lamp to see how natural lighting could make the picture lighter and darker and how the picture changed depending on light.

  9. bsosnik

    Brightness and Contrast

    I wanted to play around with brightness and contrast.  I utilized an article on a website called Steve’s Digicam’s entitled Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Sharpness to get some ideas and perspective on how Brightness and Contrast work.  I realized I had some great photos I could utilize from my trip this past weekend when I traveled to ...
  10. tpcm

    windows & doors & doors & windows

    For this "new thing to create or explore" through photography, I had to look up some interesting photography project ideas. A lot of them were what you might expect - 365 projects, working with black and white, etc., but I liked the ideas that had you ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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