1. Brian Brown

    Ever and Anon

    I can see the light.  The journey is almost over, but there are still a few more steps to take. But we will make it.  Sure we will.  I know it.  Take my hold.  Only a little bit further. This is a day of my life.  Filmed on March 26, 2012.  So long ago it ...
  2. Seong Cho

    Created Audio Assingment

    For my third created assignment, I chose to make an assignment where the user gets to create its own alarm sound using stuff around us. Most people use sounds on the clock or music for their alarm but I thought it would be cool to make your own alarm not using songs or voice. Here
  3. Devin Lert

    Movie Trailer Mashup

    Movie Trailer Mashup is a video assignment that involves incorporating clips from a different movie into the trailer of another movie to change the meaning or tone of the original. After some long thought I decided to do a sports themed movie. I always enjoyed watching to football film The Replacements and decided to look up …

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  4. melodie

    Video Assignment: Swede A Scene

    For this awesome video assignment I chose to swede parts of The Hunger Games. I figured it would be good to do since I had kid cousins visiting. First, I decided what scenes we could actually do with who was available.  I had to change the cornucopia line from Hamage to Cinna and then made ...
  5. Leslie Truesdale

    Deviled Eggs

    Happy Easter everyone!   In honor of this holiday weekend, I chose to make my honey eggs benedict for breakfast, it was pretty okay. But for this assignment, I’m going to document my first attempt at making deviled eggs. YUM! This is my break from doing school work. Some would call it procrastination. Potato, PotAto. ...
  6. Gray Kemmey

    Retroactive Blogging

    One Object Through Another: My grandmother’s living room. through my Aunt’s Nikon D60, and my iPhone taking the picture. Repeating Geometric Shapes: My grandmother’s dining room chair. Draw Love: We sent each other those the other ...
  7. Seong Cho

    Week 12 Daily Create

    Here is my another daily create.  This is my Tuesday’s Daily Create. It was to draw love and I create an image of clock and money with greater sign. I think love means you spend more time with them even if its fighting then using money.  This is my Thursday’s Daily Create. Take a photo
  8. Paul Tunick

    Your Own Numa Numa

    I’ve seen the Numa Numa video a thousand times and I thought it would be fun to make my own. I had a blast but I was surprised at how hard it was to lip sync those words. Enjoy! PT
  9. Leslie Truesdale

    Mash-up- 5 stars

    For this, my last video assignment, I wanted to do something funny/enjoyable. I wanted to mash Harry Potter and Hot Tub Time Machine. I took the audio from HTTM and mashed it with the video from HP. This was a tedious assignment. I watched the trailer over and over again, but I couldn’t find a ...
  10. Feng

    week 11 of daily creates

    TDC90 image: Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another.  TDC88 image: Take a photo that includes repeating geometric figures.  ribbon TDC86 image: Draw love.  love is everywhere
  11. Leslie Truesdale

    Funny Harry Potter Trailer

    Sooo as I am preparing to get going on my movie trailer mash up, I stumbled upon a video that I was pretty much OBSESSED with. We were talking in class Thursday about “literal” videos. This is the Harry Potter literal video. SOOOO FUNNY!!  
  12. Leslie Truesdale

    Redub the Audio- 4 stars

    So this Easter weekend, I am trapped in the Anderson Center/ Goolrick Gym working everyday, so recording good quality sound for my video is near impossible. I’m deciding to adjust to prompt– I’m going to redo the scene from a movie by applying audio from another scene from another movie. This could be real fun. ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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