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  1. @butterball_4567

    Design Blitz

    I found the design blitz to be difficult because it was hard for me to find already made designs that inhabited these different design concepts (color, typography, minimalism, etc.). However, all of the designs I found ended up being posters on campus, so here is what I found and why each one is representative of […]
  2. @ds106_mckayla

    My DesignBlitz!

    I decided to create my DesignBlitz around my house. I chose to focus on my animals and decorations around the house. There are ten concepts that I learned about within reading this design resource page. The ten concepts are color, typography, metaphors/symbols, minimalism & use of space, form/function/message, balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, and unity. I decided to pick 5 of the ten to focus on within my photos below. The five I chose are: rhythm, dominance, color, balance, and typography. My favorite picture taken was the Balance picture with the beer and coke cans. I think all my designs were
  3. @danielleerika4

    Design Blitz

    For this project I chose; color, metaphors/symbols, minimalism, and dominant. Color: For this part of the blitz, I wanted to find palette and try to create a small variation in colors. This was a project I did last fall semester in one of my art classes, so creating a color palette online was so much […]
  4. @BreeNicholson14


    This week’s main assignment took us on a path to learn more about the do’s and don’ts of design. We were asked to carry around our cameras and take pictures of a few designs that we felt were an example of one of the 10 design concepts we learned about. For my four pictures, I…
  5. @jacobhilker1

    Design Blitz

    For this assignment, we had to take several photos that we felt represented four of the concepts of design that were discussed on the sight, and in order, I decided to use my photos to discuss minimalism and typography, contrast, color, and finally dominance, with the moon-like planet and the starship leaning in for a […]
  6. @angelk1208

    The Gym

    Earlier this week, I decided to take pictures of the gym I go to. While I was there, I realized that the gym is a perfect example of the design concept, Rythm/Pattern. The gym is divided into different sections, depending on the type of exercises. There is an abs section, the weights, cardio, stretching, etc. […]
  7. @angelk1208


    This is a photo of the chandelier that is above my kitchen table. This chandelier represents the design concept, Unity. Trent Sizemore has a blog post about the different elements of design. In the post, he mentions that “[an example of unity] could be separated into each part as its own piece, but together they […]
  8. @angelk1208

    Too Dark

    This is the sign of a restaurant called East Ocean. I decided to use this photo to talk about the design concepts, Color and Typography. The letters are in dark blue. I am assuming that the designer of the sign chose to make the letters blue because of the name of the restaurant. Though I […]
  9. @angelk1208

    Metaphors and Symbols

    Earlier this week, I went to an ice cream place called, Moo Thru. The name title on the building reminds me of the Metaphors and Symbols concept. The main symbol of the sign is the cartoon cow’s head. Its eyes resemble the O’s in “Moo”. The bottom of the U in “Thru” has a cow […]
  10. @caholt2000

    Search for Principles

    To reinforce your understanding of design principles, you need to undertake a “Design Blitz.” Carry your camera with you this week and take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least four of the ten concepts listed below (one photo per concept). Refer to the DesignBlitz resources on the Design Resource page for more information

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  11. @KendallResnick

    Blitz 2.0

    I was happy to see at the beginning of the week that we were assigned another blitz. The photography blitz was a lot of fun, and I definitely learned a lot about photography through it. The design blitz was a little different, since it had us take pictures throughout the week instead of all at […]
  12. @bfrullads106

    Design Blitz

    I had a lot of fun doing the design blitz this week, I don’t do a lot of things where I end up in a position where I can take a photo of something well designed, but I tried my best to snag a few good photos throughout the week. The things I found myself […]
  13. @faith_martino

    Design Time

    Typography is a form of design that arranges typed words into an art form. For this beautiful picture above, the artist used the quote “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” to create a poster of Aubrey Hepburn. This worked extremely well because it used the art form and her own quote to make the piece. Dominance is the focal point of an image. The entire photograph above scrams dominance. But her eyes are the dominant element. Colors are a huge part of peoples lives. They hold meaning and tell stories. These colors above represent America and everything that we stand for as a country. Minimalism is a beautiful art form. This book above is a perfect example of how an extremely simple design can stand out so much.
  14. @madeleine_ds106

    Design Blitz

    The design blitz was a fun assignment. I chose to take pictures of the concepts color, typography, dominance, and unity. The design resource page was a lot of help to give a more detailed description of each of the elements! Most of my pictures came f...
  15. @kdzebdi106

    Design Blitz with Keamo

    by The embed would not work for some reason. The classic amazon symbol that acts as a message to people about who they are. The embed would not work for some reason. This would be a rhythm as it’s the classic tapestry for that a lot of college students have. It’s rhythm because there…
  16. @Katie73536604


    So unfortunately for whatever reason I am unable to embed Instagram photos into my blog posts, but I am able to provide the links and screenshots of these Insta posts! Here are each of the posts and a description to go along with them: I took t...
  17. @christinac106

    Let’s Blitz… Again!

    A couple weeks back we had to participate in a photo blitz where we took numerous photos that fit particular categories in a specific amount of time. This week we again were asked to partake in a blitz, however this time a design blitz. While both the photograph and design blitz are similar in style, […]
  18. @tiffmooree


    View this post on Instagram Color #designblitz A post shared by Tiffany Moore (@tiffmooreee) on Feb 18, 2019 at 3:37pm PST Designblitz: Color View this post on Instagram Rhythm #designblitz A post shared...

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