Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92894 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @eafinto

    Week 6: A Recap

    We’ve made it through Week 6! I didn’t know if I’d make it! This week has had its absolute ups and its awful downs. For one thing, I had to say goodbye to my sweet yellow lab, Molly, on Thursday after 14 years together! I hate it, but I’m getting through it! Besides everything that’s […]
  2. @Chris_tastrophe

    HCC Stairwell is the Pinnacle of Design: DesignBlitz

     DesignBlitz 1) Alignment 2) Heirarchy 3) Contrast 4) Repetition 5) Proximity 6) Balance 7) Color 8) Space #theend106 #ds106 #designblitz A post shared by christopocalypse106 (@christopocalypse106) on Feb 25, 2018 at 6:54pm PST   1) Alignment This info sheet breaks up chunks of information into boxes to give the information a non-messy structure. Our brains […]
  3. @eafinto

    It’s A DesignBlitz!

    One of my assignments for this week to create a DesignBlitz! Very similar to my PhotoBlitz from a few weeks ago, this week I was to take pictures of five different objects that illustrated five different design aspects! Check out my results below: The first picture (the top left) is of my bookcase in my […]
  4. @jetjenk43

    My Interpretation: of the 8 principles of design.

    So I figured I could find things around my home, around my neighborhood, my immediate area, but to my luck I couldn’t really find anything to fit the eight concepts.  In my area there are a lot of construction signs but I figured this would be bleh so I chose not to take pictures of …

    Continue reading "My Interpretation: of the 8 principles of design."

  5. @OliviaBreler

    Design blitz

    In order to gain better understanding of design, I was supposed to think about what design is and how it makes up signs/ads and objects. Things like:   color typography metaphors/symbols minimalism & use of space form/function/message balance rhythm proportion dominance unity   This sign I think represents typography. The way the sign was created …

    Continue reading "Design blitz"

  6. @KaseyMayer

    Design in the Real World

    For my DesignBlitz, I found the four following designs. I feel that this design is a good example of message. This is a payment plan poster for the payment plans offered by the Office of Student Accounts. The message is money, needing it and using […]
  7. @Eric Dorman


    Function This sign keeps the message plain and simple. “Do not Enter”. Its presence is to tell people who are trying to enter the wrong way through that path that they are entering the path the wrong direction. Symbolism This flyer talks about Intervarsity sports meetings. Alongside the text are several sports balls to add […]
  8. @k8lynclements

    Downtown Design Blitz

    For this assignment I decided to take a walk downtown. I knew there would be signs everywhere. When I got there I realized that the assignment was a bit harder than I thought it would be because there were so many signs!! I didn’t even know which to pick to go along with design themes. Here are the few I found: Rhythm: I am using the VA BBQ sign as a not so great design. I think the rhythm of...

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  9. @Maggieo_13

    Design Blitz!!

    During this Design Blitz I had to get creative. I was struggling with understanding some of the concepts so I googled some images to get a better understanding. My first picture if of Balance I was able to capture it by using a bottle of gum. I liked the idea of using the gum in […]
  10. @melseykooring

    DesignBlitz (Week Six):

    DesignBlitz This week I was asked to complete a designblitz. My task was to Carry my camera with me this week and take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least four of the ten concepts: color typography metaphors/symbols minimalism & use of space form/function/message balance rhythm proportion dominance unity Below is my take […]

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