Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @JHolburd

    Radio7 Logo on the Brain

    For our radio show design project, I decided to create a generic logo for our radio show group. We are named Radio7. It’s simple, clean and there are seven of us doing a radio show that could always morph into something other vision! We didn’t want to be tied down last Sunday because we couldn’t–we […]
  2. @Bendire Thrasher

    Logo for a Narrative Podcast about Aliens and Space Post-Mortems

    “As designers are shifting towards the KISS – Keep it simple stupid formula and creating Logos that are super simple and easy to understand. I want a something challenging Logo that is simple yet detailed. I know it is hard to a achieve but not impossible. You can use logo generator tools like or” Create […]
  3. @wade_764

    There’s A Murder Afoot

    Tune in soon to Radio7’s new thriller, featured exclusively on DS106Radio! Our group is diligently working behind the scenes this week to script a fun and exciting story filled with twists and turns. My thoughts behind this design were to create a clean yet eye-grabbing poster, and I decided to keep the number of colors to as few as possible, with bold font. The final product turned out well, but I had some trouble sending different layers behind each other exactly how I wanted. I made this on Canva, and I enjoy the program’s simple styling. I am also making…
  4. @skyler0455

    radio show logo!

    I made a logo for my group’s radio show! I used Canva to make it, by picking a logo template that I thought would fit our theme. First, I looked up pictures of advertisements for the actual Roy Rogers Show to get ideas for the design and color scheme. Since there were many pictures of […]
  5. @PabloMccrimmon


    For my radio show design assignment, I created a logo/bumper sticker. I went fairly simplistic with my design, because as Dieter Rams would say, “less, but better.” For this assignment, I worked in Adobe Illustrator. First, I created a perfect 600 x 600 square artboard and started with a light pastel blue background. Then, I […]
  6. @jwcpsc

    Audio Assignments: Sound Effects Story/ Transition

    I decided to remake my sound effects story assignment but fit it for our radio show. This time I tried to portray how people basically live their life on social media to the point where it’s overwhelming. I used several notification sounds and speed them up to show how some people invest their whole life …

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