1. @danielleerika4

    Design Blitz

    For this project I chose; color, metaphors/symbols, minimalism, and dominant. Color: For this part of the blitz, I wanted to find palette and try to create a small variation in colors. This was a project I did last fall semester in one of my art classes, so creating a color palette online was so much […]
  2. @danielleerika4

    Design Thoughts

    The Vignelli Canon By: Massimo Vignelli: Below are some quotes I enjoyed while reading this text. “Creativity needs the support of knowledge to be able to perform at its best” “It is up to the brain to use the proper formula to achieve the desired result” “It is my hope that this book may provide […]
  3. @yarasaleh68

    Need motivation?

    I originally saw this assignment about making a motivational poster and instantly thought of the “demotivational posters” I grew up with. That was my inspiration for the most part, but obviously I wanted to make it motivational, not the other way around. Then, a brilliant idea nailed it’s way into my head. (Get it- just …

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  4. @ds106_mckayla

    Contradiction Creation.

    This is the original link to the assignment. This assignment is worth 2 1/2 stars. I decided to add the 80s theme within this assignment. This assignment asked for me to create the graphic to convey a theme and the text convey the complete opposite. Obviously the graphics convey the 80s theme with the image of Micheal Jackson, the girl with the big hair, and the radio box and the text that reads “THE 2000’s” conveys modern day. If you look closely at the radio box, I added a small image of Micheal Jackson dancing in the speaker. I thought
  5. @ds106_mckayla

    Hanover Humane Society.

    This is the original assignment link. This assignment was worth 3 1/2 stars. I decided to create a poster for the Hanover Humane Society that is located in Ashland, VA. I have been there myself and I really appreciate this place and what is stands for. I chose to create this poster on Canva and used photos and images of the dogs and cats from the internet. I think the background used is the perspective of a poster on a board. If you want to visit this amazing place visit the link provided on the poster below. It will give
  6. @ds106_mckayla

    George Strait is coming into town!

    This is the link to the 3 star original assignment. I decided to create an advertisement for George Strait’s upcoming show at Innsbrook After Hours. One of his songs came out in the 80s and is one of my all time favorite country songs. I created this advertisement on Canva. I got the picture of George Strait from the internet. I think this turned out great, with the background yellow and looks like a barn, creating the country tone. I added a cowboy hat to add to the country 80s theme as well. Strait has retired and does not do
  7. @IezziHannah

    Weekly Summary

    This week I created a Digital Create on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I listened and watched our class materials, which actually gave me a completely different mindset on how I think about audio and audio production. I downloaded the Audacity app and played around with it a bit. I created a project outlining my day […]
  8. @IezziHannah

    Radio Show Ideas

    Now that I see radio shows as more of a bond between people. An intimate creation that bonds people and allows for more creations to be made. I would want to create a safe space for women. In my show I would want an audience of women and the show to be run by women. […]
  9. @IezziHannah

    DS106 Radio

    Last night, I tuned into ds106 radio and listened to the legend of the vanishing lady. This story went full circle completing the possibilities to solve the legend and the effects of pesticides and chemicals have on people and our environment. While discussing the possibilities of how the vanishing lady vanished. We discussed the arsenic […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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