Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94981 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @JasmineAlanis2

    Mission Remix

    My original mission idea: DS106 agents have gone missing! We are losing more agents every hour! Create missing agent posters and find a way to bring our agents back home. Follow the clues on twitter to find out who is taking all of our agents. The mission I would like to remix or even mashup
  2. @caholt2000

    Final Mission Remix

    For our final mission, we need to figure out who exposed some of the agents’ secret identities. You will need to create wanted posters to find this villain and bring them to justice. Just in case, everyone will need to create a new cover story for their agents. You can create a video or image

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  3. @KendallResnick

    Mission Remix

    Last week, I wrote a post with some ideas for our final mission. I am still planning on sticking with my ideas, but I have a few new plans. Instead of recruiting and training new DS106 agents, I think my final mission should be recruiting and training new DS106 students. Since the theme of the […]
  4. @christinac106

    Final Mission

    Since this week is about mashups and remixes, so it’s only fitting that we have to put together a blog post about a potential final mission mashup. Last week in my blog post I listed off three ideas that I believed would be good final mission ideas. The thought of combing one of my ideas […]
  5. @CommTweetWithMe

    Mission Mashup

    This week has been all about mashups and remixes. Part of this week’s assignments was dedicated to generating some remixes/mashups of our final mission ide with ideas from our classmates. As a recap, my idea for our final mission was to explore one area of digital storytelling that we haven’t so far and that is […]
  6. @tiffmooree

    Even Newer Mission?

    I chose to take my idea, and mash it together with a bunch of different other students ideas. My idea: Use all forms of digital media we have learned about this semester. This includes video, writing, audio, and photos. Video: Spies are missing,...
  7. @bfrullads106

    Mission Remix Discussion

    Hello fellow agents, the word from up top is that next week we will be starting work on our final missions. As a method of preparation for our final missions, we have been tasked with the responsibility to outline what we think would best suit our team favorably in the acquisition of this goal. I […]
  8. @madeleine_ds106

    Mission Remix

    So for the mission remix assignment, I think it would be fun to do an audio/image based assignment. As much difficulty as I had with video assignments these past two weeks, I think it would be important to incorporate the skills we all learned here as...

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