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  1. @shayfinnz

    Supercut It

    First things first, I stan Cillian Murphy. So when I was trying to decide what movie to watch I knew I was going to want to watch “28 Days Later”. After thoroughly enjoying this movie, although it was scarier than I expected, I was ready to...
  2. @jetjenk43

    Oh Thank Heaven We Made it through Week 11!!!!!!!!

    Week 11 In a Nutshell So this week I feel like I was more prepared and less rushed to complete all the video assignments.  I hope it shows in my work.  At first I was kind of dreading doing video work, because I knew it would take a lot of time to edit our assignments …

    Continue reading "Oh Thank Heaven We Made it through Week 11!!!!!!!!"

  3. @jetjenk43

    Let Me Tell You About my Apocalyptic Airwave Friends!!

    I did the 4 star assignment This is My Story.  I decided to tell my story using notecards.   I told the story of what Mufasa and I are doing these days, and that we sorely miss or friends from the Barn.  It has been two weeks since we presented our story Apocalyptic Airwave a story …

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  4. @keyris22

    Video Essay

    I decided to use the movie 10 Cloverfield Lane for my video analysis because it is the most recent movie on the list and I have wanted to see the movie before had. The movie was not as I expected, if any of you seen the movie, it seems that the old man...
  5. @eafinto

    Movie Time!

    This week, we continued our unit on video! One of the first assignments was to watch another apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic movie! Last week, I watched The Quiet Earth. This week, I watched a movie that I really, really enjoyed, The Day the Earth Stood Still (the 1951 version). I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this movie! […]
  6. @dannpannn

    New Assignments

    I created two media assignments. The first one is a video assignment. The goal of this assignment is to inspire others to be creative with their video by making them create a transition or learn how to create a popular transition. Even if they copy the tutorial exactly, it would still teach them how to […]
  7. @dannpannn

    WEEK 11

    Video Week! I think the end product of Eric and I’s video was a super good concept. right when I was going to do my final rendering I found some technical difficulties so because my external hard-drive that I keep EVERYTHING ON decided to kick the bucket 🙁 however, I went out and took more […]
  8. @jetjenk43

    Did Someone Say Spaceship: Watch a movie make a movie

    Assignment: Watch a Movie/Make a Movie   I chose the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” as my second movie that I watched.  As I have never seen this movie before I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened.  The copy that I was able to attain was through …

    Continue reading "Did Someone Say Spaceship: Watch a movie make a movie"

  9. @jetjenk43

    5 Q’s & 5 A’s with the Great Vanessa!!!

    Assignment: 10 Apocalyptic Questions I chose the 5 questions I felt I could best answer out of the ten that Vanessa provided.  I used the program OpenShot to splice and dice and input my videos in where they needed to be.  I think I was making this a little harder than it should have been …

    Continue reading "5 Q’s & 5 A’s with the Great Vanessa!!!"

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