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  1. @dannpannn

    Video Group Planning Reflection #1

    I am working with Eric Shaw to bring you guys a informative yet incredibly cinematic vlog production. We title it “Content Creator Central” In this specific edition we will be overviewing the creative process behind planning/ shooting/ and editing a video. This video fits perfectly with both of our character archetypes because my character (Faniel […]
  2. @jetjenk43

    Count to Ten and do it All Over Again!!!!!!

    This week was probably one of the hardest weeks yet for me.  I won’t say it’s hard due to the work load, but last Thursday a good family friend had passed away.  Due to this family friend being so close to our family it was only right for me to get in my car and …

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  3. @jetjenk43

    Mufasa’s Transformation from a Pup to an Adult

    I chose this 3 star assignment to show the transformation of the character Mufasa from the radio show Apocalyptic Airwave.  We didn’t really know much about Mufasa other than Carson had saved him from certain death and nursed him back  to health.  Here is a little clip of Mufasa as a small pup to becoming …

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  4. @shayfinnz

    Video Essay

    First, let me start off by saying how excited I was that one of the movies we got to watch for class this week was 10 Cloverfield Lane. I recently have gotten really into the Cloverfield series and have been meaning to watch this one for a while. I pic...
  5. @jetjenk43

    Washing Dishes a 2 min+ Silent Documentary

    I did this 4 star “How to”  Documentary.  I did this assignment because I figured it would be neat to record something but not use any sound.  I was going to do a documentary over how to cook food, but I had already started beef and noodles in the crock pot earlier in the day.  …

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  6. @umwequestrianista

    Reading Movies I Am Legend Video Essay

    Kubrick // One-Point Perspective The Shining – Zooms Examples of Editing Techniques (*Jump Cut) Top 20 Amazing Cinematic Techniques Part 1 (*Long take, steady cam) I watched the above short videos about filmmaking and I never realized until after how filmmaking techniques really make a huge difference in how we view a movie. While watching …

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  7. @jetjenk43

    My College Photo Collage

    So I decided to do this two star assignment to share my journey through college.  Over the past 2 years at UMW we have had our son, served in the Army, have gotten out of the Army and have become civilians.  And now that I am finally out of the Army I can finally devoted …

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  8. @jetjenk43

    How to better Watch movies by knowing the Details.

    How to Read A movie well what I learned from reding this article: I read the article by Robert Ebert: How to Read a Movie.  I never knew the details of how a movie is put together or how it was shot.  After reading this article my eyes are opened to some of the techniques that are used.  …

    Continue reading "How to better Watch movies by knowing the Details."

  9. @umwequestrianista


    Video Assignment 2058 I really enjoyed doing this video assignment, it gave me time to reflect on some of my most favorite pictures and memories and tell you guys a little bit about my life! Video Assignment 2031 This is a video collage of all my favorite pictures from my last year at UMW!  I …

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  10. @dannpannn


    So this wasn’t an assignment, but i made a personal video during video week and thought it would be fitting to share it. lemme know what you think! all footage was taken by myself and a friend. editing done exclusively by myself
  11. @eafinto

    Learning to Read Movies

    The first task of Week 10 has been to learn how to read movies. We all know how to watch movies, but can we all read them? I’m a Communications and Digital Studies major. For one of the elective requirements, I took Intro to Cinema Studies here at UMW last semester. Here I thought that […]
  12. @Sam_ara106

    Analyzing What Cameras Do

    As I read How to Read a Movie, I thought some of the things Ebert listed, such as the left side being seen as negative and the downward or upward angle of the camera, would not be evident in any movies. However, I was proven wrong, especially in the scene I chose to analyze later on. […]

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