Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary 1

    For my first week, I set up a few accounts (listed below). Before this class, I had never signed up for SoundCloud. I have never worked with SoundCloud before, but I did have other classmates complete projects with it, and their results were impressive for first time users. I also created a separate Instagram, but … Continue reading "Weekly Summary 1"
  2. @DigitalStoryTeller

    Mashups Assignments for week 12

    Mashups assignments    12 Stars Logo Switch Up     2 Stars For this Mashup, I combined two of my kids favorite places to eat. We now have McDonald’s selling pizza. I used Canva to combine the McDonald logo with a pizza from Pizza hut. I tried to put the pizza behind the golden arches but …

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  3. @DigitalStoryTeller

    Storytelling Within the Web Week 9

     Storytelling Within the Web assignment This assignment introduced a new web tool, Mozzilla X-Ray Googles Tool. This allowed me to change a current website without having to learn coding. I was able to see how the website was constructed and make changes. Starting out with this tool was somewhat difficult for me but after playing …

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  4. @DigitalStoryTeller

    Weekly Summary – Week 4 – Picture the Myth

    This week was about the photography, the visual side of digital storytelling. I analyzed my photography skills. My photography skill have plenty of room for improvements. I did have to look online for collage building sites. it was fun looking at all the different types of collages. I enjoyed making the digital collages. The visual …

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  5. @DigitalStoryTeller

    Week Three: Writing the Legends

    Bring It All Together I read an English fairy tale called Three Feathers. The main character started off as a normal wife with a husband that she never saw. She was curious about her husband and created a way to see him, then the story takes a turn. Her husband was a human but after …

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  6. @richelleholnick

    Weekly Summary-Weeks 3&4

    This is a combined weekly summary for weeks 3 & 4 because of Hurricane Florence. I wrote about what makes a story interesting.  I made a character named James.  She is not your typical superhero! I did three writing assignments. The first one is about the extras in the show Brooklyn 99. The second one is a letter to my future self (feels very applicable as I enter my final year of college.) The third writing assignment I did was a letter to my mother,(4 stars) from the point of view of my character James. I thought insight into her mother (and therefore childhood) would give some much needed backstory! The second week: I made daily creates!   I made a photoblitz! It was a bit unusual and I am not sure if I did it correctly-but I did my best. Some of them are kinda silly! For my assignments, I gave a room tour.  I introduced you to my family.  I showed you my “Places of Peace” I showed you my bucket list! James showed you what is in her bag.  These visual assignments were fun to do! I was able to find ones that all went together, so I liked having the consistency i what I made this week. The photoblitz was different and kind of stressful, but it made for some interesting photos! Lastly, I discussed if I am a photographer and analyzing videography and photography.   
  7. @eafinto

    Another Apocalyptic Haiku

    One of my assignments this week was to remix/redo/update a project that I have already completed during this semester. I decided that I would redo the three-star assignment “Haiku it up” from the writing assignment bank. The original was posted on February 3rd, and it is now March 25th! The first time around, this was […]

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