Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Maeve_ds106

    Sound Effects Story

    This week we were asked to tell a story using only sound effects, following the guidelines of the Audio Assignment Bank assignment, entitled Sound Effects Story.  AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments70This week we were asked to tell a story using only sound effects, following the guidelines of the Audio Assignment Bank assignment, entitled Sound Effects Story. In the […]
  2. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summery #4

    This week was long, but there were some good times. The Super Bowl was great, which constantly went back and fourth, with Kansas City coming back in the fourth quarter to win past a double point deceit. I spent many nights of staying awake until sunrise doing homework, and ran out of food during the […]
  3. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summary #3

    This week was long, with me staying up until 5 am at times to get work done. I hated many midnight deadlines, but I got through them. I alternated between eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and ham + cheese sandwiches. The cafeteria food is awful, no pork, fish, or cheese, so I stopped eating […]
  4. @rachelds106

    “The time is right to make new friends”

    A short story from a fortune cookie:                 I fiddled with the laces of my black converse as I sat in the passenger’s seat of my mom’s Volkswagen. I tried to tune into the sounds around me – the car doors slamming as kids got out of cars (something I had yet to do), the laughter as people met up with their friends (something I did not have). “I know you’re nervous, but it’s just a matter of putting yourself out there!” She said, her voice straining to sound enthusiastic. I looked up from my shoe-fiddling; the fancy new rock seemed too big for her left finger; the rock that made us move half way across the country. My palms began to sweat as I thought about getting out of the car. “Senior year though, really?” I asked with a sigh. My mom smiled half-heartedly, a sign that she had nothing left to say to me, after all we’d had this conversation many times and I’m not sure why I even bothered bringing it up anymore. “3 o’clock.” I reminded her as I stepped out of the car. I hadn’t even made it half-way up the stairs of my foreign looking school as I tripped over the shoelaces I’d been fiddling with earlier. My Walkman skidded across the cement towards an array of feet, […]
  5. @rachelds106

    bucket list inspo

    I’ve been working on my bucket list for about a year now, and even though there’s a decent (and typical) amount of things on it, I figure this will never be an exhaust of list because I’m always coming up with things that I want to do, and even sometimes I fail to write things down. I wonder how many times I’ve mentally told myself I really want to do or experience something, and then forget to take note of it…tragic! I keep the list in the note app on my phone, because what’s a better way to store snippets of my ideas than with something that I always have glued to my side. I think if I lost my phone, I’d mostly be disappointed mainly because of everything I keep in my notes and then the photos. Perhaps for most people it would be the latter, but my notes consist of my thoughts, ideas, dreams (both actual dreams I’ve had while sleeping and those I want in life), things I want to buy or need in the future and so much more…it would be like losing a limb. Regardless of this, I’m letting you take a peek at my bucket list because I’m proud of it, I’ve included the items I’ve already done, and I’m hoping it can inspire you too. P.S. – […]
  6. @ds106_mckayla

    Weekly Summary #3

    This week started out with creating my daily creates which we had to complete three for this week. I love daily creates because they make you appreciate the artwork around you. It also allows you to keep in tuned with what everyone else is viewing and enjoying as well. These post are perfect because they help keep me engaged within Twitter. I am starting to enjoy tweeting tweets especially the daily creates. I find myself excited to see what the daily create is going to be for the day. I love viewing everyone else’s tweets and love to explore their
  7. @hannahkolkmeyer

    Lets Start this Story Right, Meet Secret Agent Mila Tate

    Mila is no average girl, she is small pale skin dark hair, piercing green eyes and the meanest right hook you have ever seen. Mila family and friends, including her husband all believe that her job as military civilian contractor is just as ordinary as her life. Little do they know the secret underground agency …

    Continue reading "Lets Start this Story Right, Meet Secret Agent Mila Tate"

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