1. Chun Morris

    Does sleep really improve grades?

    Many times we hear studies about sleep and better grades. I don’t think sleep helps students grades improve. Night time always seem like the best time to study. A high percentage of people never go into REM (dream) sleep. Most people that stay up lat...
  2. Melonie

    ESSAY?! NOOO!!


             True or false easy, multiple choice a piece of cake, matching cool, and then I notice there’s an essay part at the end of the test that throws me a curve ball. Have this ever happened to you?  If not, aren’t you lucky. Anyhow, back to my story. I was feeling great about the test, until the essay part. When did my professor sneak in this part? I became tense and lost my focus. For reason, I couldn’t put my answer to the essay question into words. I knew what the topic was, but I couldn’t find the right words to define it. All I could do was give examples. My mind went blank. This had never happened to me before. I don’t know if it was the fact the essay question was unexpected, but I froze. I was extremely disappointed in myself. I am usually at essays.

                Even though I was disappointed in myself and thought I didn’t do a good job on the essay question, the next class I got my test back and there it was; A big, fat “A”.  I got an “A”?  Really?  Well, it turns out that I gave so many examples that the definition ending up being in one of them. I got all the points for my essay. I did great on the rest of the test. I was happy. I’m still happy. 

  3. Shelbi Calhoun

    Stop Kony 2012


    Stop Kony 2012

                Last week I was scrolling through my timeline on Twitter and I see something called Stop Kony 2012. At first I just scrolling through my timeline, but I see everyone kept talking about so I decided to watch the video. When I pressed play I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. Joseph Kony is one of the world’s worst criminals. He runs an army called the LRA and he kidnaps kids and turns the boys into child soldiers and the girls into sex slaves. The LRA started in Northern Uganda, but it’s no longer active there, but it’s still active in Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and South Sudan. The LRA is in its 26 year history and they have kidnapped more than 30,000 kids.

                Joseph Kony took over the LRA in 1987. Kony started kidnapping kids because he was running out of fighters. The LRA has a very bad reputation for its cruel and brutal tactics. The LRA is even encouraged to rape, mutilate, and kill civilians most of the time with blunt weapons. The kids that they are forced to kill their parents and if they’re girls they either become wives to Kony or sex slaves.

                The Invisible Children has been working for 9 years to end Africa’s longest-running armed conflict. U.S. military advisers are currently deployed in Central Africa on a “time-limited” mission to stop Kony and disarm the LRA. If Kony isn’t captured this year, the window will be gone. The Invisible Children are trying to make Kony famous, so he can be captured and so his army can be brought down.

                I think everyone in the world should do their best to make Kony famous so we can bring him down. There are a lot of things we can do to help the Invisible Children bring down Kony. We can purchase a physical kit, we can donate to the Invisible Children, and we can finds way to post media around our cities. So I think we need to do our best to help the Invisible Children because Kony is an evil man and him and his army needs to be brought down.

  4. Ryan Godhigh

    Sports Related To My Writing Life

    Ever since my first day of football practice as a young child to now, sports have been my life. My dad played football in his earlier age and as soon as me and my older brother got to be the right age to play he automatically put us on every athletic s...
  5. Bryce Davidson

    Dale Yeah 2012-03-14 23:20:00



                I’m a huge sports fan. I have been as long as I can remember. I think it might be genetic. Every branch of my family is in love with some kind of sports team. So weather genetic or learned I know sports was a big part of my growing up and continues to be a big part of my life. Every kid has that dream when they are young some want to be cops, firemen, maybe even the president. I just wanted to have something to do with sports. Of course I wanted to be the big time sports player but though I was decent due to my frame and abilities I will never have the chance to be that star. But I would love just to deal with sports. I was told all my life to do something you love for a living because then it will never be work. That is my goal find a way to incorporate sports into a job. I mean I always have sports after the job to clear my mind but my goal would be to find a job dealing with them.

                I think everyone has a little love for sports. There is no thrill quite like them. I mean there are many competitions but sports are more than that. They are something people train years for and people pay years incomes to watch. Sports have the best story lines anything can happen you can never guess. There not much quite like the upset of the sports world’s villains or the success story of the home town hero.

                All I have left to say is I hope you agree with me on the importance of sports in your life. All the lessons learned and the fun times had. I have no regrets with sports playing, watching anything. I have even wrote this as I watched the Heat – Bulls game.

  6. Torrence Grady

    The Transformation

    In high school I was not a great student, I'm in no way implying that I am now, but my high school years were filled with lost potential and underachievement. I always knew I could do better though, and I knew that taking my high school courses more se...
  7. Ashley Edmonds



    Am I a great writer? No, in no means am I anywhere near being a perfect writer. However, I do pride myself with having common sense, and being a pretty “darn good” typographer. (Typography, in print journalism, is the detail of layout of the newspaper, magazine, flier, exedra; that is the key to what makes the text appealing to the eyes.) So yes, I do know a little something on what is news worthy and appropriate. That is why sometimes when I am reading smaller papers I really would like to call up the editor and ask “WHAT!?!”.

    If you have attended Jacksonville State University then you have surely heard or read the notorious Chanticleer. In the latest publication there was a lengthy opinion article on Rick Santorum. After reading this article this defiantly made me say out loud, WHAT!?But, before I go into the errors of the article itself, let me just touch on this page. First, the filler the paper uses are atrocious. Second and the font in a paper is ALWAYS justified. Third, this slandered article should have never had a full page. However, all of my newsy pet peeves aside lets move on to the article.

    How many times have you written an essay and said “I am writing this essay about...” or “This essay is about…”, only to have your essay returned inked to death. Well this article starts out just that way. I quote, “I am so blessed to have the opportunity to write a political opinion article,” which translates to “I am writing an opinion article about…”. I do not believe this line should have ever made it to the final cut. Later on in the piece the writer also mistakenly says, “Now with that quote in mind,”but never addressed a quote, only his thoughts on what NPR (National Public Radio) had to say on the matter. There were several other “no no’s” in the article, but the one that stood out to me the most was in the last paragraph. “…a cheating, selfish, b----, who wants to colonize the moon.” WOW, when did the writer ever feel it was appropriate to use the word bitch (even though the last four letters where blanked out) in a new article! Internet, okay but this is like turning on abc 33/40 and James Spann saying “you is a dumb bitch if you don’t take cover now”. Even if you are writing for a college newspaper using profanity is never okay.

    However, do not get me wrong I am not for Rick Santorum nor do I believe any of the “santorum” spewing out of this mans mouth. I am just frustrated as a journalist and writer at the nonsense and errors that actually get published in Newspapers and magazines. I know I do not have the best grammar skills or am the best editor, but my fondest memories were always on Thursday’s when my old advisor would bring in a few big named papers and we would spend the class period giving it the red ink of death. Maybe this is why little things in articles irk me more then others.
  8. Melonie



                Sometimes, I can’t find the words to say, out loud, how I feel or what I think. This has led me to notice that it is easier and better for me to write down what I think and feel first, than to say it and things get left out, my thoughts are incomplete, and/or don’t make sense. My words and thoughts come to me easier when I write it down. Writing my thoughts out helps me develop my ideas, organize my thoughts, and communicate more effectively.

                When I write my thoughts down, my ideas began to develop and become more complete. I am able to brain storm and focus more on what I want to say. Seeing my thoughts on paper helps me not to forget anything. I choose the ideas I want to develop and began to organize my thoughts.

                Now that it’s time to organize my thoughts, I have to structure them so that it runs fluently together without any snags. If I don’t organize my thoughts, everything will be all over the place and won’t make me sense. This is why I place my thoughts in order from one step to another or by importance. It creates a better effect that way.

                Since I have developed my thoughts, and organized them, I will, now, be able to communicate more effectively.  How, you make ask? Well, now I absolutely know what I want to say and how I’m going to say it. Everything is complete and ready to be presented.

                Writing your thoughts down will help you to develop into a better writer. It really helps me. It’s great practice. I will continue to write my thoughts down.

  9. Ryan Smith

    The Blank Canvas


                What is one thing that makes this world great? I think one thing that makes this world great is the great freedom of expression that exists in our world. I personally think that the world wouldn’t be what it is today without art, music, sports, and just the many other things you can do to express yourself. Another great thing is what I want to call the Blank Canvas.
                The Blank Canvas to me is the human soul. I think without expressing anything you like it will stay a blank canvas. The expression of one’s true beliefs, feelings, and overall actions that define that one person “paints on that canvas.” I feel that ever action I take such as the action of me liking skateboarding has added some vivid color to my soul. I also believe that no two people’s canvases are “painted” with the same colors or have the same “brush strokes.”
                To me expression should be a proud thing and it should not be hidden away. I think that expression should be allowed. I know that people automatically have a bad thought about skateboarders. I never personally had anything against them and well now I am one. I usually say what is on my mind and express my thoughts or feelings in some creative way. But I don’t think that anyone should walk around with a “Blank Canvas.”
  10. Ryan Smith

    The Blank Canvas

                What is one thing that makes this world great? I think one thing that makes this world great is the great freedom of expression that exists in our world. I personally think that the wo...
  11. Ninja Crash Token

    Drum Corps International

    I knew that I was going to get around to this subject eventually! There are always people who don't know about this activity, which is why I love telling people about it. Drum Corps International (DCI) is a professional activity that's been taking plac...
  12. Simone Wallace


    A lot of people say you have to gothrough things that you don't enjoy to get to the things that you doenjoy. Just recently I have fell victim to this. Doing things that Ido not enjoy to be able to do those things that I have a passion for. As I have st...
  13. Chun Morris

    Is Education A Conspiracy?

    A friend posted a video on Facebook saying an education is useless. I am an open minded person so I asked him why he felt this way. He told me the video explains his feelings. When watching the video I had both supportive and opposed opinions. The pers...
  14. Torrence Grady

    Blog Post 9

    I decided to title this blog post by its file name, blog post 9, in an effort to express my appreciation for these types of writing assignments. Instead of our class instructor, Tanya Sasser, having the entire class write weekly essays, she allows us t...
  15. Shelbi Calhoun

    Blog Post 9


    When I first started this this class I knew what blogging was, but I had never did it before. Since we have a blog due every week I have fell in love with blogging. It seems like as the weeks go on I’m running out of things to write about. Sometimes it feels like I sit in front of the computer at least an hour or so before something comes to mind. I don’t want to write about the same things over and over but I don’t have anything to write about anymore. I try to think all day what I could possibly write about, but nothing seems to come to mind. I try to brainstorm and think about what I have done in my classes, but still nothing comes to mind. I hope I don’t keep having this problem because it’s no fun just sitting in front of a computer, trying to think about something to write. I don’t just want to throw something together and then my blog won’t say well. So I hope things get better.

  16. Alicia Kittles


    This is one of my biggest problems when it comes to class assignments, projects, and just everyday life. I am the BIGGEST procrastinator. Once the professor gives out an assignment I always tell myself that I'm gonna go ahead and get it out the way so ...
  17. Christian Webb


         Just to start off I would like to state that there are millions of great blogs out there. Continuing on that note I would like to point out that it is hard to find the right one to show my appreciation to. There has been a sign...
  18. Chrishawn Elliott

    Dealing With Creativity Problems


    Since we started this course, blog posts have been a requirement. And up until now I have been able to quickly establish a topic. This week I gathered my pencil and pad on Friday evening and now Tuesday afternoon I have just now began. When having creativity problems brainstorming is a great suggestion to start with. Think about the events you attended, the problems you solved both in and outside of this course. There is something throughout the week that you have dealt with that should strike you interest. Such as a critical analysis question you encountered on your Biology 102 exam, you can explain how your difficulties on the exam coincide with the difficulties of this course. In the process of dealing with creativity problems originality and enthusiasm are very important because if you are not eager to find a solution to your own problem than the end product will suffer consequently. Although being original in your creative process is extremely simple. The little things that you think of while walking around campus are themes you should run with. Frank Capra expresses it best, “A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.” So the next time you are walking around campus or discussing an assignment with your peers jot down the thought and refer to it when needed. And use these thoughts and ideas the next time you do a blog post and make it easier on yourself.
  19. Dakota Hill

    Is there such a thing as writers block?

    How many times have you ever been writing a paper, and then boom you are stuck. As writers we call this writers block, but is there such a thing as writers block. I think that writers block is a mind game. We all get stuck on a subject from time to tim...
  20. Bryce Davidson

    Dale Yeah 2012-03-04 23:20:00


    Blog Post 9

                This is my 9th post and last week I wrote on procrastination so this week I’m going to write to show my improvement on the matter and write on my research topic. It is currently Sunday but I know I will have a busy week ahead so I’m going to try my best to get this done while I have free time. It turns out my free time is three days earlier then the due date. So I’m going to try my best to be high speed and get it done. I’m not going to stop at just doing this but I’m going to try to dig in deep and try to work on that research rough draft

    I’m pretty sure I’m writing my paper on Rick Reilly’s blog on espn.com. I love sports and his blog is full of inside information and I like to hear his opinions on sports topics even if I don’t necessarily agree with him 100%. I figured it would be best to write on a subject you feel strong about and there is nothing I love more than sports ever since I was a kid. So I’m hoping my paper will impress and teach everyone a little something about sports and Rick Reilly’s opinion on sports. I plan on getting some of that paper done tonight because I know it is important to get my work done and I know now is the best time for me to do so.  

  21. Melonie



    From the first time I heard a poem by Maya Angelou to now, I have been intrigued by Angelou’s writings. She is truly a gifted writer. Her poems can tell a story like no other. They are filled with her pain, happiness, strengths, weaknesses, sacrifices, vulnerabilities, sass, humor, honesty, and growth she has experienced and developed throughout her life. She knows who she is and is not afraid to show it.

    I gain wisdom and empowerment as a black woman when reading her poems. For example, her poem “Still I Rise” gives empowerment because she’s pretty much saying no matter what you are trying to do or have done you will not keep her down. She will persevere. She’s proud of who she is. She even shows cockiness by saying

    Does my sassiness upset you?
    Why are you beset with gloom?
    'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
    Pumping in my living room.

    Just like moons and like suns,
    With the certainty of tides,
    Just like hopes springing high,
    Still I'll rise.”

                Maya Angelous’s poem “ Phenomenal Woman” encourages women everywhere to have confidence in themselves and to be proud of who they are. She says

    “Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
    I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
    But when I start to tell them,
    They think I'm telling lies.
    I say,
    It's in the reach of my arms
    The span of my hips,
    The stride of my step,
    The curl of my lips.
    I'm a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That's me.”

    Her sassiness and humor in this poem really caught my attention. She exposed her ego without being outrages.

    “I walk into a room
    Just as cool as you please,
    And to a man,
    The fellows stand or
    Fall down on their knees.
    Then they swarm around me,
    A hive of honey bees.
    I say,
    It's the fire in my eyes,
    And the flash of my teeth,
    The swing in my waist,
    And the joy in my feet.
    I'm a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That's me.”

         Maya Angelou is my favorite writer. I will always read her poems. Maybe, one day I will be able to write almost as well as her. She inspires me as a writer and woman. I encourage everyone to read her poems. They will be enlightened and pleased with what they read.

  22. Ashley Edmonds


    In a world with internet access and cliff notes, the amount of reading the average person does is decreasing with each generation. In a 1993 National Assessment of Adult Literacy, the largest government-funded national literacy survey to date, stated ...
  23. Christian Webb

    Writer’s Block

    Writer's block is an occurring problem in writers. I, personally, have Writer's block once a week. I hate when I'm set on a subject and can not gather materials on my work. Now I am researching materials on writing. I am improving on gathering material...
  24. Ryan Godhigh

    The Effects Of Music On My Writing

    Most music that sounds cliche, average or not good at all is probably because of the writing that has been associated with it. Back in the day music had lyrics that were written by legends like Bob Dylan, Paul Simon and Leonard Cohen, but some artists ...
  25. Simone Wallace


    Every artist needs inspiration as doesevery author. I would know. I am a photographer and a painter. I havealways been artistic in my own way. Ever since I was little I knewwhat I wanted to do when I got older. When I was little I thought Itwas all abo...
  26. Ryan Smith

    Black Box Distribution and Zero

                There are more than a few main stream skateboarding companies out now days and a few have faded away. Some of the major skateboarding companies come from some major distributors that s...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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