1. estotz

    Exploring Gender through the Language of Twitter

    Emma Stotz Ling 491 Zacharski Spring 2013   Exploring Gender through the Language of Twitter   Introduction With the age of communication upon us, there are a wide variety of forms of communication: text messaging, twitter, blogs, Facebook, reddit, YouTube, Skype, and the like.  Online social media sites allow for informal means of communication, which […]
  2. ksimonpi

    Loving Alzheimer’s

    Alzheimer’s disease is defined by the Alzheimer’s Foundation fo America (AFA) as “a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain’s nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in loss of memory, thinking and language skills, and behavioral changes.”(http://www.alzfdn.org/AboutAlzheimers/definition.html) My Grandmother has Alzheimer’s. She … Continue reading
  3. estotz

    Outline for Final Project

    So, this is just me brainstorming, but I am pretty sure I have a solid idea for what I want to do for my final project: This semester, I am in a linguistics course (other than this one), Langauge and Gender, and this idea for research came from this class. I have been rather intrigued […]
  4. estotz

    A Glimpse at the Guide to Data Mining

    Ch. 6 “Naive Bayes and Unstructured Text” This chapter in Zacharski’s “A Programmar’s Guide to Data Mining” deals with the classification of text into categories of positive or negative–does the person commenting like, or dislike the item they are commenting about? As native speakers of English, we can look at something and tell whether or […]
  5. estotz

    Robots + Language (con’t)

    Classification (into Semantic Categories) Say we have a bunch of sequences of phrases and we want to put them into a different categories (i.e. dictionaries, artists, plants, etc), how could one go about doing this? One approach is to memorize common parts of the phrases (i.e. if the category is dictionaries, a common word might […]
  6. estotz

    How to Teach Language to Robots

    Summary of Videos from Intro to AI (first half) There have been 2 main types of language models: 1. Probabilistic model: deals with the surface words, and sometimes letters  - (letter models are good when we are going to be dealing with sequences of unique words) actual data of what we see, rather than some underlying […]
  7. estotz

    An Accurate Description?

    Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books This particular article proved extremely interesting having taken a course in Lexicography, and it being extremely relevant to theoretical lexicography.  As the title of this article says, they discuss the analysis of a culture using data of the language from millions of digitized books.  First, utilizing […]
  8. estotz

    Introduction to Statistical Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing (Ch. 1) - Manning/Schutze Findings One of the big questions that Manning and Schutze pose in their first chapter is: ‘how do human’s use language?’  The answer to this question is not simple, and requires a deep, theoretical exploration of linguistics.  Linguists lay claim that all languages have an underlying structure […]
  9. crystalrose0784

    Lemme Sum-Up :)

    What a ride!!  Let me tell you all about it! No, it’s too much, lemme sum-up.   (You knew I had to get one more Princess Bride reference in there) Final Project I had a lot of fun making this project.  I still think the quality of work I produce is crappy, but nonetheless, I’m […]
  10. crystalrose0784

    Advice – from someone who’s been there ;)

    I decided to do this a little differently than my classmates.  I wanted a simple, easy-to-read, at-a-glance poster full of the main tips that I hadn’t seen in the advice videos I’d viewed coming in.  So, I went to Google Images, and found a cool poster background, uploaded it into GIMP, and went to work.  […]
  11. crystalrose0784

    The Best Day Ever on Facebook

    What if Spongebob and Patrick could use Facebook?  To document the Best Day Ever, I’m using the What They Might Have Done In Social Media Web Assignment. I followed the instructions on the Fakebook page to build the foundations (name Spongebob’s page, fill out his profile, give him friends, etc).  Then I started to type […]
  12. kmatthe2


    Meet Judy Johnson: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kelsey_matthews/8271673760/ Here’s her autobiography, published with the help of her trusted aide, Kelsey Matthews. Judy wanted to learn how to introduce herself to Rhode Island. She went on the radio in Providence. The Rhode Islanders loved her! … Continue reading
  13. mis-tery

    Grand Finale — Ds106 Version

     Final Summary I can’t believe it’s all ending, I remember the first day of bootcamp and going through the assignments and wondering to myself, “How will I finish this course, I don’t have any idea how to do anything”. Now i’m sitting here doing the final write up for this class and all I can […]
  14. kmatthe2


    Here’s Judy’s autobiography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kelsey_matthews/8271673760/in/photostream/ Yes, that is the real Aunt Judy with the teabag hat. I wanted to tie her to Sarah Palin, hence the ‘Maverick’ use. Also, I made myself co-author on there, since I am the one publicizing … Continue reading
  15. kmatthe2


    This is an assignment I made up myself! Woop! here’s Judy’s vlog. The idea behind it was to introduce Judy to the fine folks of Rhode Island. However, my dogs interrupted my recording. When I was editing it together, I … Continue reading
  16. crystalrose0784

    Meme Wars

    Living it up in modern day style, as part of my Final Project, Spongebob and Patrick will spend part of the Best Day Ever in a meme war.  To do this, I’m using the Caption That assignment.  To be perfectly honest, though, I felt the assignment was too easy for two stars (either that or […]
  17. kmatthe2

    Judy-Radio Interview

    Here’s where Judy was interviewed: I used the mulitpersonality assignment to have her interviewed. I am playing both characters, obviously. I just asked questions and then responded in Judy’s voice. Yes, the quote about Sarah Palin is from the actual … Continue reading
  18. mis-tery

    Best Categories

    I’ve ranked my best work categories as followed ( 5 – 1) #5. GIF animation: I chose this as my best work because before this class, I didn’t have any idea what a GIF meant let alone create one. Thus for my first assignment, i’m proud I learned how to do one. #4 Technical Difficulties: […]
  19. mis-tery

    Commentary on Final Project

    Isabella’s Story This story was actually based on a true story. It meant a lot to me to actually finish this assignment. Isabella’s character was actually a family friend of mine who I used to live with. She’s exactly as described in the story, a fragile innocent girl who got trapped by hollywoods idea of […]
  20. mis-tery


    PhotoFunia_Tutorial For this section, I chose to do tutorials for the assignments I’ve created. The first tutorial is a video, getting the through the software (website) PhotoFunia. I explain everything in the video below. Enjoy!     Y.O.L.O is the Motto! Creating this video was fun but very time consuming. If you were thinking about […]
  21. mis-tery

    Assignment Ideas

    PhotoFunia (Software Angel) I chose to do a pay it forward type of assignment where the students who have taken this course and experienced the hardship of what software’s to use can help those who may take this course in the future. Through this assignment, students will not only be sharing their experiences and favorite […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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