1. Ms. Parker

    A little less routine

    This week I only managed to get three Daily Creates done. Wednesday The task: Retitle a movie poster to make it more accurate. WAIT! This was my suggestion! I was so excited to see it up there, and then when people started posting their movie posters, I got even more excited! I’m so glad people ...
  2. Oh My Gott

    Bump It Up

    The mission of today’s work was to make a DS106 radio bumper. I spent the first hour or so fumbling through my itunes looking for a the perfect 10 or so seconds from a song to use as part of the bumper. After skimming through several songs I chose the beginning portion of “She Moves ...
  3. mbutlerr

    Radio Bumper!

    Okay, so this was much easier than everything else I’ve done in this class and the least stressing. To be honest, I had fun, weird right? Definitely not used to that just yet, especially since I wasn’t aware that was allowed to be happen just yet. Anyways! I was watching the movie Space Jam over the ...
  4. Princess Karissa

    Audios Mio!

    Sorry, that title was a bit tacky. But it seems perfect for this weekly summary which is all about audio week, and what a week it was! I was cordially introduced to Audio, and we hit it off right away. This princess has invited audio to my kingdom so we can hang out together sometime. (continue reading...)
  5. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Weekly Summary 4

    Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, this was an enlightening week in ds106.  Definitely had some opinions changed about a couple things.  I thought that the audio thing was going to be the hardest, most annoying process about all of this, especially because of my voice, but that was completely untrue.  This was actually my favorite week  [ Read More ]
  6. foxylee13

    True Glamour

    Such glamor can only be attained by a canine of exquisite tastes. This is my lovely hound, Caesar. His hobbies include strutting his stuff on the runway, signing autographs, and going to photo shoots like the true model he is. … Continue reading
  7. Ms. Parker

    A Stirring Story on DS106 Radio

    Super frustrated this week! Every time I had time to listen to the DS106 radio, there was either weird music or a story. The stories were interesting, but I always seemed to miss the first half. I eventually made it to two stories this week. Listening to DS106 Radio I was going to use another ...
  8. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Listening to Stories

    I’m not really sure what my reaction to this was.  I listened to Radiolab’s piece on “Words” and I felt cheated.  An odd reaction to a piece of radio, but it was just odd to me.  I’m not used to listening to radio in this manner, and by that I mean how the whole thing  [ Read More ]
  9. confusedeasily

    Storytelling through radio

    Many people have different views on how storytelling is and how stories should be told, but they all have at least something in common. When I listened to Ira Glass’ Series on storytelling (Part 1 and Part 2), he mentioned a lot of interesting point like about how all stories have building blocks which are totally different ...
  10. bellekid

    Can You Dig It?

    When I was told that I would need to listen to ds106 radio this week, I was not sure what to expect. I had seen talk on twitter about it, but, having never listened to internet radio before, I went in with no real expectations. I decided to listen in on Wednesday night after being ...
  11. kdex914

    Week 4

    Ira Glass Part One: Ira Glass’ part one on storytelling brought up a major point about half way through about the concept of creating “bait” for the listener/viewer.  The significant point he made was that even within what he considers a boring background story, that the story still managed to have a bait factor in ...
  12. bellekid

    Sew I hosted the ds106 show…

    Tuned into #theds106radio show on #ds106radio —or is it #theds106 show on #d106radio ?Listening to @bellekid and @foxylee13 @dzim1 — The Focus Zone (@TheFocusZone) February 4, 2013 I was a ds106 guinea pig of sorts this week, that is that this week was the first week that students co-hosted the ds106 show with cogdog, and ...
  13. Ms. Parker

    A Look at Being an Audio Storyteller

    For one of the first assignments this week, I had to watch a few videos on audio storytelling and write some “nuggets” about them. I watched these earlier in the week, but forgot to post about them, so I rewatched them and am posting them today! Ira Glass First thought: wow his voice is wonderful ...
  14. Girl Without A Net

    Week in Review | Always Listening

    This week involved a GREAT DEAL of listening. Videos. Sound effects. Sounds around me. The sound of my voice. The sound of a story from my point of view. Sound. Sound. Sound. ——————————————– Watching the Ira Glass and Jad Adumrad videos made me think of things in a new light.  I happen to love Ira ...
  15. cogdog

    GIFing the Silent Ones

    Angela, in dire need to get medicine for her dying mother, makes some unwise decision on the streets of Naples on how to get the 20 lire- the opening bit of the 1929 silent film, Street Angel. I’m watching this movie, well at least the first bit, as part of the Coursera open course on The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color. In the scene above, she is sentenced by judges who don’t seem to care a whole lot about her or her story, she’s just another on a treadmill, and the guard who brought her in escorts her out. It’s a nice full cycle, perfect for beng GIFfed Given my previous track record of less than one week duration in Coursera classes, I had already let most of the week slip by before showing up for class. I cannot say I am thrilled at the courser design. The ...
  16. Girl Without A Net

    60 minutes in 56 Seconds

    The assignment: Create a sound effect story. This is a challenge to tell a short story (no longer than 60 seconds) using nothing but sound effects! —————————————– Well here she is folks!  This is my story about the end of a long day.   This was really fun.  The hardest part, after actually DOING it, was ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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