1. jcook5

    Ringtone Creation!!!!


    Hey guys, so I completed the audio assignment to create a ringtone. Now my inspiration for creating this was to put two annoying sounds together. Since I live in a house and have a dog, those sounds turn out to be a doorbell and barking. The barking sound did not come from my dog, but it is a very close… Read more →

  2. klittle

    The Old and the New Can of Coke

      I chose to create a old/vintage photo of a Coke can because I think Coke is universal and that most people can recognize it. The thought of a vintage coke can is also fun because it would be so old, probably rusted, but still it survived. This coke can isn’t actually old but I […]
  3. klittle

    The Shortened Version of My Life

      The story of this picture is that the clouds represent all the bad that has happened in life, whether it happened in a day or in a year, they drift past to make room for the new day. I chose this picture because I feel like it not only represents my life but the […]
  4. klittle

    Cucumber Munching on Some Squash

      Once upon a time there was a Cucumber. This Cucumber was tired from the hot sun and very hungry. The Cucumber was trying to be good and wait for the Farmer to come and give him some dirt and water but as the time passed and the Farmer never came, the Cucumber got more […]
  5. sfrench2

    I’m done!

    I guess I saved the easiest assignment for last! Here is my “breaking news” that I have finished all my assignments for the week – yay!!
  6. klittle

    Sometimes Alone but Never Lonely…..

    There once was a group of chickens that all lived together peacefully and happily, but there was one chicken that could never seem to join in on the fun. This one chicken always seemed to be alone; she could never find the others. The other chickens were confused by this because they were always there, […]
  7. klittle

    The Sounds of Everyday Life!

    Foley Sounds These are the sounds of my everyday life. If you listen you can hear the breathing because air is essential to life. There is also the sound of things dropping, because I am very clumsy. Next is the sound of running water and the brushing of teeth, because I like to be clean! […]
  8. yharvey2013

    Panic and Emotional

    This seems like the week from hell, I thought everything would go smoothly after last weekend when I was having internet issues. This week tops it all, my sister calls me on Wednesday and tells me my brother-in-law having surgery to clear some blockage from his heart valves on Thursday. I had to be there […]
  9. jhylan

    Bacon Quest

    This assignment has to be the strangest and corniest one I have done yet, but it is about time I got pushed out of my comfort zone. The assignment was called “Use the Voice” which means the voice of Don LaFontaine, who was … Continue reading
  10. fhowell


    I made the sound track for the first 30 seconds of Charlie Chaplin The Lion’s Cage clip, I used Audacity for the sound editing. To make it easier to record and keep track of the time I placed audacity and the movie clip side by side on my desktop (picture below). I used five tracks; […]
  11. dradoye

    Sound Editing

    So I don’t really like sound editing.  I can do it, and I like the emotions you can evoke, however I really like Audio and visual put together.   Also,…
  12. fhowell

    Being a music Prodcer Audio Assignment

    This was the two track audio assignment out of the assignment bank called Being A Music Producer. I recorded myself playing the Djembe (an African Drum) on track one. I recorded myself playing a higher tone and the same Djembe as on track one on track two. The first recording was with M-Audio Producer USB […]
  13. rcrabbe

    Charlie Chaplin

    For the foley assignment I had to generate my own sounds that would follow along with Charlie Chaplin’s movie, The Circus.  Since I was born in April, I have to make sounds from 1:31-2:00. Check it out here: It took me two days to make this sound as close as I got it.  The hardest part […]
  14. sfrench2

    Don’t bite your friends!

    For this audio assignment, I had to pretend to interview someone and have their responses be snippets from songs. I chose to interview Luis Suarez, a profession Uruguayan soccer player. If you don’t know what happened recently in a World Cup match, Suarez was caught biting an opponent. This is the third time he’s been […]
  15. rcrabbe

    Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You

    So, for this audio assignment I chose to do Use the Voice.  Using a voice over similar to the famous Don LaFontaine, I had to create a movie trailer out of an everyday thing, or something normal.  I chose to do the birth of a baby. Check it out! Here is the transcript: *action music* In […]
  16. sfrench2

    Week 3 Summary

    Chaplin Foley - Blog Post Foley Sounds – SoundCloud Sound Effect Story Audio Assignment 1 - One Question Audio Assignment 2 - Interview/Mashup Embedded Audio Post Daily Creates: 1 2 3 4 I am SO glad that this week is finally over. It’s been a long and stressful week! I was super stressed at the beginning of the week […]
  17. sfrench2

    What would you be in a past life?

    For this design assignment, I had to ask one question to different people. I tried starting this assignment earlier in the week, but no one in my family wanted to participate! I was with a group of friends last night and most of them were willing to help me out and answer my question. I […]
  18. klittle


    Okay, so I created this ringtone using an Anime song I found on youtube: Sweets Parade. The song is from an Anime called Inu x Boku SS, which is really good if anyone is interested. I then got the Sherlock sounds, also from Youtube. 1) the Irene Adler Moan: IA Moan 2) Opening Theme: Sherlock Opening Theme I […]
  19. klittle

    Walking through the Jungle!

    This Audio tells the story of a man walking in the jungle. At first everything is fine, just calmly walking through the Jungle. Then that all changes. First the animals start making noises, randomly and with a eerie presence. Then the storm starts and the animals getting louder. His sense of time is off and […]
  20. rcrabbe

    Law of Conservation of Energy

    Here is today’s daily create Explain a Principle of Physics in a Pair of Limericks Here is what I came up with: It states that the total energy cannot change, it’s conserved over time, how strange. it can change form never reborn, then converted to kinetic energy for exchange But beware for it has one […]
  21. jcook5

    Sound Effects Quiz!


    Hey guys so I have created a story, using only sounds. I decided to make mine like a little quiz. Can you guess what my sound effects is about? Anyway, lets get down to business. Without giving away the answer, I decided instead of using a random selection of files I wanted to try to portray a process. From my… Read more →

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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