I went house shopping today. I think I am in love with this backyard! Check out the video I made about the backyard. While I was taking pictures, I thought about how I really feel about this class. Even though I struggled a little bit in this class, I still enjoyed it. I would like to thank my MacBook, my…
When, I walked outside into my backyard, I saw a bunch of flowers. Honestly, I don’t go into my backyard very often so I was surprised to see all the flowers blooming.
That’s how we got in a relationship last year. He said, “really, Kriezl? Are you in middle school or something? Yes.” First, I was unsure about what just happened so I asked, “So, are we official now? Like, are we boyfriend and girlfriend?” There was no official title established, though. We already had established boundaries. We were already exclusive. I wanted to be…
I was traveling in my Jimmy from Utah to the visit my grandma in Mexico. Before I left, my mother told me to “visit Winslow ‘n Arizona.” She said it would be nice to visit along the road trip. I’ve never heard of them before so I assumed they were family on her dad’s side since we never see them…