1. @Katie73536604

    Drawing with Google!

    For this web assignment, we were asked to create art using QuickDraw on Google. The objective is to help teach Google by adding your drawings to the world’s largest doodling data set. The way it works is a word will appear, let’s say “axe”, and when you are ready you click “Got It” and the timer will count down starting at 20 (seconds). While you are trying your best to draw a tiger, Google will be taking guesses until either it gets it or time is up. Like this: Pretty cool! I was able to create this video by using video recording on my iOS device. If you have a iOS device then you just swipe up from the bottom of your screen and click the recording button on the bottom right. Once I clicked to start recording then I went to the already open site QuickDraw on google and started the game. Once I finished the first round I swiped back up and ended the recording. I then sent the recording to my computer, uploaded it to YouTube and embedded it in this post! I found both this assignment and recording portion fun! I found the recording pretty easy and I also learned something new! As for the google drawing, I actually spent about 10 minutes playing several rounds of this game. I am not the best at drawing but it was still fun and I feel as if I helped google learn! Here are my results from the first game I did: Let me know if you try it out! You can comment your results under this post or even reply to this Twitter post!
  2. @faith_martino

    Tattoos That Describe You

    I love tattoos! If I had more money I would be covered in tattoos! For the process, I found a drawing of a sunflower then added a few more details. I then played around with photoshop, changing colors and styles. I am not experienced with photoshop, so it was a huge learning experience for me! I am not sure why, but for some reason I really struggled getting the green shade that I wanted. But I am still happy with the way they turned out! Do you guys have a favorite? Which variation should I get?
  3. @CommTweetWithMe

    Responding to a classmate

    Looking over my classmate’s blogs, one post that stood out to me was Tiffany’s post about Google Draw. I have never seen anything like Google Draw in my entire life, but Tiffany’s post intrigued me to give it a try myself. It took me a while to get the hang of drawing on google because […]
  4. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 1/25/19

    This week had a significantly more amount of work than last week. With this said, however, it didn’t have me sobbing in stress. I first started out by reading how to make proper blog posts, and throughout the week I checked in with a few blogs to see how their writing improved on their posts. I then took inspiration from this to improve my posts as well. This week, I seem to be adding more personal details and being more creative with my writing. It’s enjoyable to have the freedom of your own blog to do the assignments, while also adding a touch of personal flare. I started on the daily creates a few days into the new week. So while I am writing this on Wednesday, I still have to do one more to complete my four. In retrospect, I would start the daily creates as soon as possible, so by the time I am ready to write my weekly summary, I have all the necessary components for it. These add a responsibility to the course, as you have to be actively engaged with not only twitter, but the class as well. I think these are very creative and get my thinking cap on for how to portray these tasks. The assignment bank was sort of a breath of fresh air. They opted for us to pick our assignments, while also being enjoyable to do. While I was looking through other students websites, I wrote a previous blog post (listed below) about someone who used their interest to accomplish one of the assignment banks. I used this inspiration to not only abide by my interests, but to also step out of my comfort zone as well. This had me searching the assignment bank for the perfect ones to complete, and it not only offered some entertainment, but offered some learning experiences as well. I talk in my assignment bank #3 post about how I learned not only how to make a gif, but how easy it was to do so. I also got to redefine haikus and incorporate them into out theme. Overall, I greatly enjoyed the assignment bank tasks. Customizing my blog was something that I loved doing. So much so that I completely zoned out throughout my entire hour and fifteen minute biology lecture to sit at my desk and find the perfect header photo. At first I wanted something aesthetic, then I thought about relating it back to the theme, but I ended up deciding on doing something simplistic (as I am pretty much of a plain Jane). Last week I struggled with the format of creating and customizing a website, but this week I pretty much had it down pat. This was motivating to see, as I am already getting into the swing of things. Building participation is self explanatory. It’s probably the easiest thing to do. I went on a few blogs and commented on them, while also getting some ideas for my own blog. I really do enjoy going through my classmates blogs and seeing how they incorporate the theme or their interests in the assignment banks. This is also what inspired me to write my “Responding To My Blog” posts (linked below). The question of the week was a simple task as well. I have never even heard of Slack, but it seems like a great way to pull the entire class together and band our ideas. After I posted my message, I went through everyone else’s answers to get a further sense of who my classmates were. Other than reading the correct way to write blog posts, this was one of the easiest tasks of this week. To wrap everything up, this week was quite enjoyable. The work doesn’t seem overbearing due to being allowed to have the freedom behind the assignments. Professor Bond knows the correct websites and attributes to bring us all together as a class, and that is very difficult in an online class. Responding to My Own Blog Post: http://tiffanynicole.net/blog/uncategorized/responding-to-my-own-blog/ Assignment Bank #1 Post: http://tiffanynicole.net/blog/uncategorized/assignment-bank-1/ Assignment Bank #2 Post: http://tiffanynicole.net/blog/uncategorized/assignment-bank-2/ Assignment Bank #3 Post: http://tiffanynicole.net/blog/uncategorized/assignment-bank-3/ Daily Creates:
  5. @tiffmooree

    Responding To My Own Blog

    One post on another’s students blog that inspired me was an assignment on the assignment bank from Chris Meyers’ blog. Link:http://www.missionpossibledgst106.chrismeyers96.com/blog/assignment-bank/assignment-bank-1/ In this assignment, ...
  6. @morgan_ds106


    I really liked this assignment because I chose a tv show. My tv show allowed me to be kinda mysterious. I found this picture and did some editing on it to make it look more erie or mysterious, just like spys! I’m curious, can anybody guess what my favorite show is? https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_Ojzchzq4/

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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