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  1. @jclark22umw

    How good at drawing are you really?


    For my third assignment from the assignment bank this week, I found this fun little activity! You go to and you draw six quick images for the computer to guess. You have twenty seconds for each drawing, and the computer guesses while you work. It is a lot like Pictionary, minus the opposing team. […]

    The post How good at drawing are you really? appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.

  2. @megds106

    Google, You’re Too Smart!

    Good morning everyone! To anyone who might not know, Google is celebrating it’s 21st birthday this month on the 27th. I’m also turning 21 this month but Google is much smarter than I am. This week, I challenged Google to a good ‘ole fashioned game of Pictionary nicknamed “Google Quick, Draw!” The web assignment is …

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  3. @faith_martino

    Weekly Assignments

    by I am not sure why, but it would not let me embed the website into my blog. I have recently been on a Grey’s Anatomy kick and decided to make the quiz on the characters. Greece. I have been there once and stayed for five months. I was there for work and was not able to explore much. I would love to be able to explore through all the non tourist spots.
  4. @madeleine_ds106

    Google Draw Something

    This last assignment for my Web Assignment task for Week Nine was another easy assignment. I was required to complete the “Quick, Draw” from Google. For those that don’t know what Quick, Draw is, it is a site through Google where you have 20 seconds to draw 6 different objects. Google then tries to guess what each drawing is. Google guessed 5 out of my 6 drawings correctly, the only one it missed was the Hockey Stick. Each time you play Quick, Draw, there is a different, randomly selected, group of 6 objects to draw. A really fun task to do when bored! After completing the assignment, there is an option to share your results via Twitter. I did so and then embedded the tweet into this post!
  5. @Katie73536604

    Drawing with Google!

    For this web assignment, we were asked to create art using QuickDraw on Google. The objective is to help teach Google by adding your drawings to the world’s largest doodling data set. The way it works is a word will appear, let’s say “axe”, and when you are ready you click “Got It” and the timer will count down starting at 20 (seconds). While you are trying your best to draw a tiger, Google will be taking guesses until either it gets it or time is up. Like this: Pretty cool! I was able to create this video by using video recording on my iOS device. If you have a iOS device then you just swipe up from the bottom of your screen and click the recording button on the bottom right. Once I clicked to start recording then I went to the already open site QuickDraw on google and started the game. Once I finished the first round I swiped back up and ended the recording. I then sent the recording to my computer, uploaded it to YouTube and embedded it in this post! I found both this assignment and recording portion fun! I found the recording pretty easy and I also learned something new! As for the google drawing, I actually spent about 10 minutes playing several rounds of this game. I am not the best at drawing but it was still fun and I feel as if I helped google learn! Here are my results from the first game I did: Let me know if you try it out! You can comment your results under this post or even reply to this Twitter post!
  6. @DigitalStoryTeller

    Web Assignments Week 9

      Create Your Dream Vacation On Pinterest!    3 1/2 Stars My dream vacation would be going to beaches around the world. I believe beaches are a very calming and relaxing place to visit. This is a collection of pictures of beaches all around the world. Plenty of different furniture styles for groups gatherings and also …

    Continue reading "Web Assignments Week 9"

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