Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @abbcass100

    The Weekly Review

    I really enjoyed getting to work with my group again to do this video project! We actually discovered that the HCC has a vocal booth which we used to make the video. We had some difficulties uploading the video to Vimeo because the file was too big and I would have had to pay $7…
  2. @MentalWalkabout

    Weekly Summary 11

    This week was a continuation from week 10 as a delve into video storytelling. So far, this has been the lease fitting storytelling format for me. While it was fun getting to do more group work with the same group I did the radio show with, it felt much less my “niche” this time around.…
  3. @MentalWalkabout

    The Long Con

    While looking so far out is far from the usual for me, it is a nice activity to do from time to time. I still like my previous ideas about the possible topics, but after checking out some of the ideas put out by other students, I’m definitely open to some different ideas. One that…
  4. @abbcass100

    Daily Creates Week 11

    @ds106dc #tdc2855 Here is my tessellation!— Abby Cassell (@abbcass100) November 6, 2019 @ds106dc #tdc2856 Here is my misleading photo— Abby Cassell (@abbcass100) November 7, 2019 ...
  5. @abbcass100

    Final Project Ideas Pt. 2

    After reading Prof Bond’s comments on my idea (comparing life today with life in the 80’s) the topic interests me even more now that no one has ever done it! In my mind I was thinking of interviewing my parents and maybe some of my grandparents to get different perspectives. I also think Melody’s idea…
  6. @abbcass100

    A Week Winding Down

    This week has been really good! Tom, Lauren, and I are getting the band back together and creating a video show to analyze 80’s movies! I’m really excited to be working with them again and I think it will be a lot of fun! The biggest thing we have to do, other can make the…
  7. @abbcass100

    Daily Creates Week 10

    @ds106dc #tdc2847 The ghosts are more than welcome to stay in their space and I will make sure to stay far away. I have never had a ghost interaction and I don’t ever want to— Abby Cassell (@abbcass100) October 29, 2019 @ds106dc #thc2850 O...

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