Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @bfrullads106

    Week 9 summary

    Hey there everyone, I really enjoyed chugging through this week’s assignments. Here’s a list of links: Week 9 links World record remix Personality Quiz Tweet Story Show reflection Logo Merger, part 2 Room design Moped Ad This week required quite a lot of time, though I did enjoy doing the work. I think it was […]
  2. @christinac106

    Mission 9: Complete

    Another busy week completed here in digital storytelling 106. Since turning in our radio show projects last week, this week came in full force with a heavy, but exciting work load. Our main focus this week was exploring the web and the storytelling that’s told within it. In order to learn web storytelling we were […]
  3. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 3/21/19

    This week was very interesting; I like how we were introduced to new software, ad-ons, and had new twists on old assignments. This week I got a majority of my work done in the waiting room while my grandmother was at the doctors. I got a majority of everything done in the hour to hour and a half I was there. Like I have said before, I am not sure if I am finally getting the hang of this class, or if the work load is becoming easier. It used to take me around eight hours to complete the work, now it takes me around 3 hours to complete the majority. I, at the same time, am not complaining. First, we had to listen to the radio shows. There were showings Monday through Wednesday. I was only able to make it to the Wednesday night showing. I really enjoyed it though! I talk in my post about how I regularly listen to podcasts, so I knew I would enjoy listening to the shows. The only problem was I normally am driving when I listen to podcasts, so having to be cooped up in bed and on twitter wasn’t ideal, but it was a great experience. I love being able to create a radio show and then listening to how everyone else interpreted the assignment. The second thing we had to do was web storytelling. I state that I thought this would be way more difficult than it was. I tend to have problems with new technology we have to use. I had a very difficult time with audacity, so anything that is foreign to me I try to avoid for as long as possible. I finally read through the entire thing and realized it may be easier than I thought. The tutorial when you download it made it a lot more manageable. Overall, this assignment went very smoothly and I was pleasantly surprised not only at how it turned out, but how well I was able to execute it. There seems to be a theme with this week. Everything on the syllabus looked to be difficult, but once I was doing it, it proved to be easier. For connecting the daily creates, I knew this would be hard. Having done these in the past, I know that they do not connect whatsoever. It is stated in the syllabus that we could go back to last week if it gets difficult, but I didn’t want to do that. I did the first two daily creates and thought I would just wing it. I almost waited until tomorrows daily create because I had no idea how to connect todays to my other two. Then it hit me, I was saying everything that I wanted in the other two, so for the third, I made it yet another thing I wanted and did not have. I enjoyed having only 8 stars for this week. I wanted to do two four star assignments to complete the requirement. I found my first four star assignment, but was at a loss for the second one. There are very few four and five star assignments for the assignment bank. It ultimately leads me to pick the lesser of the two evils. I enjoyed my first assignment bank. It was to create a Buzzfeed quiz. We didn’t have to incorporate our theme into anything this week, so I took it upon myself to make a quiz about what secret agent the viewer would be. I am very familiar with Buzzfeed and their quizzes, so this proved to be very easy. After around twenty minutes, I had my completed quiz, and I was excited that I was able to incorporate our theme! My second assignment bank was the one where I picked the lesser of the two evils. I knew I wanted to do two four star assignments, so doing anything less wasn’t an option. The assignment I chose was to create a creepy story on reddit. This assignment intimidated me as I had never used reddit. It was pretty self explanatory and the hardest part was writing the story itself. I was quite pleased with the outcome, and it allowed me to be creative, which I really enjoyed. Then we had to chose a 4 to 5 star assignment to revisit and redo. I chose an assignment I did quite a while ago where I told a movies using GIFs. I remembered really liking this assignment, so I was excited to do it again. I thought about doing a spy movie, but realized I hadn’t seen any recently, and didn’t want to mess up the storyline. So I chose Bird Box. This movie was greatly popular a few months ago when it came out, and I remember it being a great movie. I brought up Netflix to skip through and rejog my memory. Then I just wrote up the synopsis and added GIFs to complete it. Then we had to do our favorite posts of the week. I actually really love doing this. I’m quite bad at commenting, so this forces me to remember to comment while spending the time to explore and find great posts. It essentially kills two birds with one stone. This is one of my favorite things we do in the class. I also love how after everyone has submitted it, Professor Bond shows who had the winning post. I think it’s a great idea to help us strive to want to constantly put out amazing posts and work. AND WITH THAT WEEK NINE IS COMPLETE!!!
  4. @Katie73536604

    Weekly Summary #8

    This week was awesome because we were able to finally finish and post our radio show! Check it out! This show actually ended up being a lot of fun and I was able to get a feel for what an actual radio show is like! We prepped a lot for this radio show, but it was all worth it. The first week was mostly figuring out what we wanted to talk about on our show, and how we were going to split the show into segments. Here was our progress and process throughout the weeks: The preparation that took place the first week really helped set up for the second week and finally, our radio show itself. I was excited about our female secret agent theme and glad that we could incorporate more than just our class theme into the show. During this show we were able to discuss different topics within the female secret agent theme such as clothing styles, stereotypes and even incorporated a secret agent character. I am proud of our group for being able to create a show with thoughtful conversation and spread more enthusiasm about female secret agents! Overall the assignment turned out really well and I am excited to see what everyone else thinks of the show! Daily Creates: Thursday – Wood & Water! Friday – Who kidnapped Prince Charming? Overall this week went well and I am excited to see what next week brings!!
  5. @bfrullads106

    week 8 summary

    Hey there, welcome back to my blog! Today I’m going to be summarizing up my crazy week and showing you the work that I have to show for it. I’m not going to link my group’s final show, because I think we’re supposed to keep that under wraps, but everyone will get a chance to […]
  6. @caholt2000

    Week Eight Summary

    What a great week! Super Secret Opinions is complete and I cannot wait for it to air on DS106 radio. I was surprised at how easily our group completed the project. It really helped that we all worked well together and were organized. The progress of the radio show this week was reported in the

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  7. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary #8

    This week my group (Rogue Agents) met for the first time, planned out our radio show, recorded, and finished a day early! This has been quite the week, so let’s dive a little deeper! Daily Creates As I have stated before, daily creates are my absolute favorite. They allow me to be creative and are
  8. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 3/17/19

    This week was honestly quite simple. I prefer to have one large thing to do, rather than a bunch of small things. The radio show allowed me to solely focus on one thing and not have to stress about getting quite a few assignments done, like we normally have for the class. I think this week was a great way to come back after break! First, I wrote about my progress with my radio show for this week. This was a super easy task, and the words were just flowing out of me. My group has been absolutely amazing and I hope to work with them many times this semester. We all worked so well together, and we were able to get everything done on time. There is nothing worse than having a group where everyone has to pick up another persons slack, but we had no problems of the sort. Everyone worked hard and got their work done, and we’re almost done before the due date! Next is commenting. I’m writing this a bit early, and because of this I haven’t done any commenting yet. However, since a majority of everything is done, I can see myself commenting everyday this week! I set up an alarm on my phone like I said I would in order to ensure I do this too! As soon as I finish this post I am going to go and start commenting. 🙂 2 Daily Creates: Here ladies and gentlemen, is our radio show!!!!! Give it a listen 🙂 and with that…. WEEK 8 IS FINISHED! I hope you all love the radio show, and leave me a comment of what y’all think!

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