Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @KendallResnick

    Week 7, Check!

    This week was a crazy one for me, with projects in multiple classes as well as midterms and other commitments. As I mentioned in my post for the first week of the radio show, I was pretty hesitant about this group project. However, I ended up being pleasantly surprised and am actually looking forward to […]
  2. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 3/1/19

    I feel like every week gets easier and easier, but it also takes more and more of me to complete it. This week offered a great opportunity to catch up overall and eliminate some stress. I, however, was not able to do a majority of the assignments until today, which didn’t prove to be a problem as I am completing this hours early. I did not rush through any of the assignments, and I can not tell if the course load is getting easier or if I am starting to learn the basics for this class that made it hard in the beginning. I can safely say that audio is my least favorite medium we are working with. This is the only one I don’t have some form of experience with, so even though I am learning how to use it, it is still alien to me. Everything takes more time to understand and it takes more for me to convey what I wish to. There are so many sources that we have to go on the internet for, when I like being able to do these things myself. For example, in photography we have to chose or take photos to convey our meaning, but with audio we have to use ones provided in order to do so. This makes the work not as sacred to me, and it makes it less original. I am aware that we could make our own sounds to solve this, but some sounds would either still sound the same, or we would be unable to capture them. My favorite we have done so far is writing with photography as a close second. The only thing that drops photography is the lack of opportunities to take nice photos in the winter (because it is waaaay too cold for that) and not having access to photoshop. With writing, all you need is your brain and the internet. This week was the first week to introduce our radio show. I am honestly quite nervous for this assignment, as I am still new to editing audio. I am not nervous for the work leading up to it however. I know I can provide enough information to have at least five minutes if audio time, and I know I can facilitate my ideas correctly. Our first assignment of the week was to talk about our process and progress of our radio show. As stated in the post, this has been really easy due to google docs. It is amazing to be able to put all of our ideas cohesively into one document. We also created a group chat where we can talk about our ideas before we firmly type them into the document. This eliminates any confusion regarding our show, and makes everything organized. Using a google doc and group message is honestly the best way to go about this assignment. We also had to create a radio show promo. I chose to do a poster, as this intrigued me the most. I was confused as of how I would create this poster. I even thought of doing it myself with a piece of paper and creativity (and then taking a picture of it after), but I chose to look up different ways to make a poster. I came across an app that looked promising, and it was! I actually really enjoyed this app and would use it for future assignments. It was user friendly (wow I sound like a grandmother), had everything that was needed, and it was free! I chose to do a poster that was simple, as this would not overboard the viewers, and it would leave questions that would make people tune into our show. Commenting has got me once again. I always try to comment, but it is so inconvenient to open my laptop everyday to comment on the websites for this class. Due to it being so inconvenient, I tend to forget to do it. I don’t ever forget to do any assignments either. But somehow, I also overlook daily creates, and always end up completing them. So my goal for next week is to comment as much as I can. Hopefully with this goal every week, one week I will get it. I also will set a reminder in my phone every night before bed to NOT forget to comment!! Next was assignment banks. Now normally these are my favorite, but the audio assignment banks are such a hassle to me. I can rarely find ones that interest me and have a high enough star rating to fit the stars we have to do. I found ones that interested me after some digging, and I was able to relate 2/3 assignments to our theme. I liked not relating every single assignment to the theme, because all of our other assignments were also related to the theme, and I wanted a breath of fresh air. My first assignment bank was to take a tongue twister and say it as fast as I could. I chose to do ‘sally sold sea shells by the sea shore’ because it is widely known. It said to put background music in, and I did the sound of waves crashing, but it ended up sounding like static in the background. I used the memo app on my phone to say it as fast as I could and then I uploaded it to Soundcloud. I have found that this is the easiest method for me, and it makes these audio assignments more manageable. My next assignment was to create a place with sounds. After I created the morning routine a few weeks ago, this assignment wasn’t a challenge. I went on free sound and downloaded sounds to create my place and then edited them into audacity. After that I recorded the media from my phone and uploaded them to my Soundcloud. I chose to relate this assignment to our theme in an unconventional way. Since our focus was on our radio show this week, I chose to make a radio station as my place. I chose sounds such as radio static, computer typing, and stairs to facilitate someone going to work at a radio station. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. My last assignment was the most flexible. I had one picked out and I wasn’t very happy with my choice. Once I was done with my other assignments, I decided to go back and have another look at the bank. I chose one where I had to make a tagline to be a person on The Real Housewives. I chose to incorporate my character into this, and I feel like it worked flawlessly. I used a spy tagline that means ‘always secret’ and recorded my voice as if I was her auditioning. I am very glad that I switched assignments, as I am happier with the result of this assignment bank. Daily Creates: I’ve lost the count on what week it is, but all I know is now I can finally sleep peacefully for Spring Break!! Week I don’t know is finally in the books :))
  3. @caholt2000

    Week Seven Summary

    This week has been great! I had the opportunity to meet with my group and discuss our radio show. I wrote up our progress in this first week in a post. In this post, I also included what work I have individually contributed this week to the radio show. The progress post was kind of

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  4. @Katie73536604

    Weekly Summary #7

    Lucky number 7! Overall this week was productive in not only the assignments but also the progress on our radio show, Girl Power! I will start off the weekly summary with our progress thus far on the show. Our progress for the radio show is going well. We are excited about our topic of female secret agents. We have a strong plan as to what we want to do as far as our show and here are the details! Additionally, I created a poster ad for our show! This was fun and I think the poster turned out well. Assignments: For this 4-star assignment I created a bumper for our radio show! I think the bumper turned out pretty well, and I can’t wait to use it in our show! This 3-star assignment was also a lot of fun! I created a story about our group and how our progress will look like over the next two weeks. This 2-star assignment we were asked to use a favorite quote and add music or sounds that go along with that quote. I chose my favorite song ever Its a Beautiful Day by U2. This last 1-star assignment was a simple one, but interesting. I took 4 of the most annoying noises (to me) and mashed them together into a audio recording and posted it to SoundCloud. Daily Creates: Overall this week was not too bad! I think the assignments were fun and I am getting excited about our radio show, Girl Power! I think we are going to be able to produce something really engaging for our listeners, and I can’t wait to see what else our classmates come up with!
  5. @bfrullads106

    Week 7 summary

    Hey guys, I’m going to keep this summary short and to the point, because, spring break. 99% of all of my work for this week was already discussed in great detail on my show progress update post, because I used my stars for this week to create things for the show. Here’s my post for […]
  6. @kdzebdi106

    Weekly Summary #7&8

    This was was different as it wasn’t the normal digital storytelling week. Instead of doing other assignments related to the topic of the week, we had to get into groups and be innovative with our radio shows. The project is going great so far as I like our radio show outline and the people in…
  7. @CommTweetWithMe

    Radio Ga Ga

    This week was spent getting into groups and getting ready for our DS106 radio show! Reading the objectives and assignment descriptions for starting our radio shows, I had to admit I was very nervous. I knew that we were going to complete a radio show a couple of weeks ago, but the time is officially […]
  8. @KendallResnick

    Week 6 is Done!

    This week was a great learning experience for me. Unlike the other things that we focused on previous weeks, I had never experimented with design. I started off the week by reading “The Vignelli Canon.” and the article A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Iconic Designer Chip Kidd. These were great design resources and […]
  9. @caholt2000

    Week Six Summary

    I really love graphic design! This has probably been one of my favorite weeks in the semester so far, along with the excitement of getting this blog set up in the first couple weeks. It was so much fun completing the assignments for this week. There is so much to see, so let’s dive right

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  10. @Katie73536604

    Weekly Summary #6

    Week 6 feels more like week 16 but that’s ok! I’d like to think I should be enjoying these last few weeks as an undergrad as much as possible. Overall this week was MUCH better than the previous two weeks and I couldn’t be happier! This week we had four daily creates, a Design Blitz, 12 stars of Design assignments and finally our design thoughts. We will start with the Daily Creates: 18th: Create a secret agent name by what you last ate and your middle name! Secret Agent Ann Strawberry ready for her next mission! 20th: Make a picture look old! This picture I took this summer at a summer camp, I used an app called Aviary to make it look older. 21st: C64 picture! My dad took this photo of me flying a Cessna 150. 22nd: Whiteboard app, added to it. I didn’t know what to draw so I drew the only thing I knew best, a flower. Assignments Assignment 1: 3 stars A post card from my character. This assignment was a lot of fun because I was able to include my character, Nadia. I even added to her story. Assignment 2: 3.5 stars: for this assignment we were asked to create a minimalist poster for a book or movie. Chose one of my favorite series, Harry Potter! Assignment 3: 3 stars: This assignment was also exciting because I was able to integrate our character! We had to create an outfit for our character. I chose to put my character in all black to go with the secret agent theme. Assignment 4: 2.5 stars: Got DS106? This assignment was awesome! I got to recreate a Got Milk? ad. that represented our DS106 course. Design Blitz The Design Blitz assignment was very interesting and I was able to gain some valuable information about design and photography. I chose photos that represent color, typography, form/function/message, and dominance. I chose these because these are things that I believe are most important when it comes to design. All of the principles and concepts are important but these are the ones that stuck out to me. Design Thoughts I really enjoyed this reflection post about design. I actually took a course in Psychology that talks about the brain and visual perceptions, so I found this topic of design interesting. I even related it to something we learned in psychology, Psychology of Gestalt. I also have a huge interest in possibly being a UX designer one day and this week got me looking more into it! Overall this week was much better than the past two weeks, as I said! I really enjoyed this weeks topic of design. My favorite and I believe to be my best works this week was the 4th assignment and reflection post. Can’t wait to see what is in store for next week!
  11. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary

    I started my week off the way I always start my DS106 weeks: I made some daily creates and shared them on twitter. Here is a recap of my daily creates: #tdc2594 #dailycreate #ds106 Was it ever a secret how much I loved The Iron Giant? Probably not. But I secretly decide if we’re going
  12. @bfrullads106

    Live and Let Design – Week 6

    Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog for another weekly summary. This week, week six, we focused on design elements of our human experience. I started this week with a pretty loose concept for what design really was. I had an idea, but now that I’ve read decent chunks of the readings that were assigned, […]

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