1. amandamotley

    Daily Creates week 10


    Daily creates this week have been hard this week but I have been able to do them. My favorite one was the signature creates. Below is my signature. For me it represents a lot of different things about me. My signature is loopy. That usually means that you are kind of messy. At the same time it can shows that… Read more →

  2. amandamotley

    Potential Video Assignments


    Let me start with there are so many video assignments. It was exciting and cool to see them all. Other students did a lot of the assignments and that was cool. Some of my favorite assignments were ones that students did with mixed mediums like adding sound to videos and incorporating social media. From my assignments I think that I… Read more →

  3. amandamotley

    YouTube Genres


    There were so many different genres of YouTube videos that I would have never thought of. I am quite the YouTube watcher and I am a firm believer in celebrities becoming famous because of YouTube. There are a bunch of videos from my own repertoire that I could add to the list but I thought of some of my favorites… Read more →

  4. amandamotley

    Exploring the Movie Even More


    After reading the background information on the article I am so glad that I chose “American Psycho” as my movie to analyze. This movie is just downright creepy but intriguing at the same time. Not only that but there were a lot of things that went into making this movie happen. Numerous male leads were cast and then turned down… Read more →

  5. amandamotley

    A deeper look into a scene


    I analyzed the scene from “American Pyscho” for this assignment. I chose it because the movie is a more known classic in my opinion. This clip was an excellent tool to show many of the techniques that were discussed on video editing and manipulation. The camera work in this scene is great. It has a good establishing shot with the… Read more →

  6. rjones6

    Weekly Summary 10

    This week was a bit of a breath of fresh air. The assignments were not as taxing as past weeks and they were a lot of fun. I enjoyed viewing video clips of The Shining and The Pursuit of Happiness, and Quentin Tarentino. I look forward to the video assignments we’ll be doing in the […]
  7. cifax

    Week 10 Summary

    This week was a mixture of new and old with the introduction of video content. I have used Windows Movie Maker in the past to upload a few videos to Youtube so this medium isn’t completely foreign but it has been a while and I certainly needed a few pointers. I like MPEG Streamclip which […]
  8. rjones6

    My Daily Creates

    Daily Creates But why does this rain fall but why do those tears fall but why does nothing stay the same. These questions, why do they plague the souls of our people. But why are things not as simple as they seem. http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1025/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter  https://twitter.com/rachelalyssaa/status/528024912108474370    My lovely food art! #foodporn #dailycreate#ds106 pic.twitter.com/OyxA4dbiZk — Rachel Jones […]
  9. jhempe

    Weekly Summary 10

    This week was very useful in learning about the movie/video process and what it takes in order to create your own. I feel these assignments we did really helped me learn about create videos since I have never made one before. I am really glad that this video process was split up into a couple […]
  10. jhempe

    Slump Cam- Daily Create

    Picture of my sister and me in the back of the car while our family was heading to Georgia to visit my other sister. We got a little sleep and my mom took advantage of the moment.  
  11. rjones6


    I would enjoy doing the challenge where we say positive things about ourselves. I am not a very boastful person, and at times I can have very low self-esteem. For me  this video would be a great challenge because it would allow to pick things that I may actually have done well at and give […]
  12. rjones6

    Genres of Youtube

    For the youtube genres, I thought they were really fascinating. They hit the nail on the head with some of them. Youtube is so vast and growing and has some of everything on it. It has lots of humor from crazy things children say, to singing animals. There are many documentaries and clips from all […]
  13. aalmberg

    Week 10 Summary

    This week I was insanely sick. I had a 103-104 fever all week. I didn’t get to listen to the radio shows. I was sleeping. I tried to stay awake but I fell asleep ten minutes before they started and woke up at 2 am in a pool of sweat. I have a note and […]
  14. rjones6

    Exploring a Great Movie Scene

    There are many interesting facts about The Pursuit of Happiness but the three that stuck out to me was one: the son of Will Smith in the movie was his son in real life, the movie is based on the life of the real Christopher Gardner, and speed cubing champions Tyson Mao and Toby Mao and […]
  15. cifax

    300 (Behind the Scenes)

    After analyzing the camera and sound work on the movie 300, I did a little bit of research into how the film was shot and developed. I found a few interesting tidbits from the trivia link on the Imdb page. One of the most notable was the amount of cuts in the film which totaled […]
  16. aalmberg

    Next Week Assignments

    Next week I plan on completing That Bleeping Censor. I think that it will take some skill will be difficult to time correctly but if done correctly will be hilarious if the right words are taken out. I also plan on doing Today its all about me. This one will be hard just because of […]
  17. kminnick

    It’s Show TIme (summary)

    Here’s to week 10! I was unable to find the radio shows in the archives and I couldn’t watch them live, so I am not sure how to do a post on them since I can’t find them, but I am working on it! As far as video editing, I had no experience before this, […]
  18. kminnick

    Youtube Genre “Making Science Cool”

      I had to do add an example to this category! The other morning I didn’t have class and I was sitting at home with my mom and we were watching Rachael Ray, they had a science guy there and the science tricks he did for Halloween were AWESOME!! You guys have to watch this! […]
  19. kbarnes2

    Weekly Summary 10

    This week was really a good week. I enjoyed getting to explore iMovie. I honestly did not even know that I had it on my computer. Trying to figure out how to use iMovie was kind of a struggle, like any new program, it always takes a little getting used to. Evaluation of other radio […]
  20. hope

    Weekly Summary 10

    WHAT DID I DO THIS WEEK?  Daily Creates Three Time Viewing  Ocean’s Twelve: Behind the Scenes Youtube Genres Potential Video Assignments Mary Hauntington Review: Putting together this show was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had with a group… Continue Reading
  21. kminnick

    Daily Creates

    First TDC was “Hung out to Dry” I used my computer to paint a picture Next I did a Halloween Walk and made the color orange my focus! Then I did 3D food anf took a picture of mu HUGE honey crisp apple and it was amazingly yummy! Last I did the sleepy picture with […]
  22. kminnick


    I want to to the 5 star Create a Music Video Assignment. I know this will be a difficult one, but I am very big into music and I think it can say so much and I would love to try to make a music video of a song that I love called “Stomping Grounds” […]
  23. dadams4

    DS106 Week 10 Summary!

    Week 10 was all about video!  I spent the majority of my time focusing on the film The Dark Knight, with most of my assignments relating to the film in some way or another. Ds106 Radio Show Reviews I was tasked with reviewing my own radio show, as well as the video show  Mary Hauntington. My... Continue reading →
  24. kminnick

    Ready, Set, Action! 3 Time Analysis

    Camera: Close ups, Foreground/Background, Angle up and Down, Low light, Day light, Moving camera shots, a lot of view changes Sound: Sound effects, some people louder than others in the same scene, music, voices, loud music, soft music, announcer since it is a preview All together: cutting from scenes to make the preview By minimizing […]
  25. dadams4

    Daily Creates: Week 10!

    Week 10 Daily Creates are here!  I was disappointed that there were no video creates this week, as I really wanted to get some practice with video editing!   Create 1: What is it? :    Create 2: Hung out to dry: My clothesline!   Create 3: Spooky Color Walk.   Create 4: Augustus Enjoying... Continue reading →

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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