1. @edorman

    Anatomy of an image

    Having read the articles and looked at historical examples I know that art is message driven, this includes photographs. Photos, either on their own or in a series, can tell a story. Here are some images that exemplify a feature of an image. Contrast The image from the show Samurai Jack shows a light dark […]
  2. @k8lynclements

    Photographing Week 4

    This week was so far my favorite. I love to take pictures, even though they may not always be the best. I did try this week to take my time, focus on lighting, and paying attention to the moment. I have always enjoyed photography but never went any farther to take classes in it. Taking a picture in a certain way can really make the photo turn out better. A great photo can tell a story with no words. Watching...

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  3. @edorman


    In order: Beginning Nose Toilet Shadow created from multiple light sources Weather Dead Beetles (Destruction) Cigarette butte (Something that makes you sick) Plastic End time
  4. @melseykooring

    Weekly Summary (Week Four):

    This week proved to be exceedingly stressful for me. I guess it’s that time in the school year when all of your classes are beginning to pick up and expectations are rising. Needless to say, I had a million and one things due this week and not nearly enough time – but I somehow managed […]
  5. @girlycurlyfries

    ~ flashback friday ~

      For this assignment we were asked to recreate a past version of someone or ourselves. I used Lindsay as my someone for this and luckily have a whole album of pictures of her drinking different things like Capri Suns (pictured above), iced coffee, thai tea, and iced tea. I already wanted to combine those … Continue reading ~ flashback friday ~
  6. @TristenStevens3

    Week 4 of DS106

    Well I can’t say it was the easiest week only because I was bombarded with homework and tests for all of my other classes which really slowed down my train of thought for this class. Having said that, this was definitely my favorite week thus far.  I love photography and reading about it really opened …

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  7. @shleighduque

    Week Four: Photo Bomb

    This was a great week. I managed my time well and generally just felt more comfortable approaching the visual assignments. I compared my experience with photography to the readings and realized that, while I incorporate a lot of elements in my photos, there are plenty of things I should work on, like creating more of a story and … Continue reading Week Four: Photo Bomb
  8. @Eric Dorman

    Photographic knowledge

    My recent experiences with photography involve my historic preservation major particularly with documenting buildings. The goal of the photographs is to capture multiple angles so that one can see what the building looks like in general as well as notable features that are unique to its character. Another case I’ve had with photography was in […]
  9. @courtkneelane

    Analysis of Superhero Movie Stills

    In this photo, the foreground includes the Guardians of the Galaxy. The perspective comes from someone who is standing directly in front of Pom and looking at what is taking place. The selection of this photo comes the the producers of this movie deciding that movie watchers needed to see exactly what each character was … Continue reading "Analysis of Superhero Movie Stills"
  10. @shleighduque

    I Don’t Usually Take Pictures of My Dirty Dishes

    I really liked this week’s daily creates. The first prompt was to be shady or shadowy, the second was to take a photo of something and make it heart-breakingly beautiful, and the third was to depict confusion. I used my phone camera for all of the pictures and made no edits aside from the standard grayscale … Continue reading I Don’t Usually Take Pictures of My Dirty Dishes
  11. @Hannah Woehrle

    What’s in Little Rascal’s Backpack?

    I had to connect one of my visual assignments to the character I created. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do that, considering the fact that she’s not real and I can’t photograph her, but then I happened across the “What’s in your bag” assignment. I realized I could document what would be …

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  12. @LilahKBB

    Week 4: It’s all about the angle

    This week I really enjoyed the assignments and was able to do them more spread out because they didn’t demand so much time to plan out or lots of writing. I enjoyed learning more about photography and am still very surprised how much I didn’t really understand from photos or the certain feelings you can …

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  13. @lshaikh26


    This is my third and last tweet of this week. The task was to find a photo of a confusion, and for me this is what the confusion looks like! First one is the picture from the internet that I tweeted .  Second picture is the picture that I took at Simpson library. Confusing problem …

    Continue reading "Confusion!!"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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