Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @keyris22

    Recording Artiest

    Before I started the audio assignments for the week I had three main goals I wanted to uphold. The first being that it had to be 4 to 5 stars rated, Second, it would have to take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete and last but not least, easy to do. That was my head game when I was looking for an assignment to pick from and sure enough I found one that meet all my requirements. My audio assignment was to make a recording of me humming a song that has been in my head for while. The song I recorded was Oops! I Did it Again by Birtney Spears, I have been jamming to her earlier music recently and I just fell in love with this song it all over again. It is a classic and everyone loves classics  
  2. @eafinto

    Week 5: We Did It Guys

    Once again, we have reached the end of another week surviving The End. This week, the focus was on learning all about audio! I’ll say this. I’ve become much more comfortable with using different audio platforms such as SoundCloud and Audacity. I used to hate recording my voice and then having to listen to my […]
  3. @Chris_tastrophe

    Wool: Sounds From the Silo

    Create a Place Listen to be transported into Hugh Howey’s world of Wool. These sounds emulate a multi-level society that survives underground in a giant vertical silo, all floors connected by one spiraling metal staircase.   Behind the Scenes I knew the silo would be an interesting choice because of the metal, its vertical layout, […]
  4. @umwequestrianista

    Audio Assignments

    Here is a compilation of my absolute favorite sounds!  I love hearing my horse call out to me in excitement, the waves crashing down on the beach from the ocean, the sound of birds on the first sunny, spring morning and the timer on the oven letting me know the cookies are done! I chose …

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  5. @umwequestrianista

    Frequency 2156, Can You Hear Me Now?

    First off… this is reallyyy reallyyy cool! Love this site.  I think the creators chose audio as the medium because I think it allows the listener to create their own images of who is behind the voice and fully immerse themselves in the stories. I think adding video would distort the cohesiveness of this story …

    Continue reading "Frequency 2156, Can You Hear Me Now?"

  6. @umwequestrianista

    Reading and Resource Reflection

    Before this class, I had zero experience with audio and it has honestly been pretty intimidating.  I really like how Jad Abumrad paints this picture in my head without pictures in his description about the importance of connecting through radio.  Co-imagining is a really cool concept that I had never really though too deep about, …

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  7. @Chris_tastrophe

    Fictional Nuclear Emergency Broadcast

    My Frequency 2156 Submission I decided to emulate a military emergency broadcast for our Frequency 2156 world’s radioactive state:   Behind the Scenes I wrote up a script to read and recorded my audio using an external USB microphone into Audacity. From there, I modulated my voice to sound radio-like by following this unprofessional, but […]
  8. @eafinto

    Hello?… Anyone There?

    This week, I got to experiment with a bunch of sounds and audio! I just finished up posting an audio clip of me to Frequency 2156. If you’ve never heard of this site, it’s a website which is almost its own radio show. When you first go to the page, you immediately see a map […]
  9. @jetjenk43

    My Radio Transmission From Cape Town, Africa!!!! Frequency 2156

      As a digital story I feel this website Frequency 2156  nailed the digital story aspect.  The multiple different audio files from numerous amounts of individuals help to paint a picture of what is going on within the individuals and what is going on around them.  Each audio file from different parts of the world show …

    Continue reading "My Radio Transmission From Cape Town, Africa!!!! Frequency 2156"

  10. @jetjenk43

    All the Noises I deem Unnecessary!!!!

    Auditory Hell I chose this two star assignment from the audio assignment bank.  I instantly chose this assignment because off the top of my head I could think of a few really annoying sounds.   I first went and searched for the most annoying sounds 1.  I could find the first sound I found was …

    Continue reading "All the Noises I deem Unnecessary!!!!"

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