1. denardr0016

    RE: Albums Without Sound

    This album caught my attention first because of the colors: yellow and blue. But overall, it seemed very calming. If I had to guess how this album sounded, I guess that the tracks would be very soft and soothing, sort of like meditation music or something. This picture is amazing, I’m sure some editing was … Continue reading
  2. thirstytony

    Albums without Sound

     Out of the whole series of fictitious album covers (without sound), this was my favorite. Eric Sena, the creator of this idea and of this album cover thought of a fun and creative thing to do. He is creating a new album cover each day using random entries from Wikipedia, QuotationsPage, and Flickr. So he basically ...
  3. janus ajax

    Album cover


    I really liked The Problem is the Problem album cover. The reason why I chose this one was that I liked the title. The problem is the problem which to me is a little philosophical. People make things out to be much bigger than they are usually the problem is something very specific that then gets expanded upon and grows into something much worse than that specific something. As far as visuals go. The city scape picture is well composed with leading lines and a unique higher up angle. Overall it looks like there could be a filter or some enhancements on it but nothing too obvious. I also like how this is a night picture but that’s mainly because I’m a night owl. 

  4. bridghi

    Albums Without Sound

    I took a look at the Albums Without Sound blog and was very impressed. The idea for the project was really cool, and I like that he set standards for it so no matter what the image, article, or quote was, he had to make it work. My favorite album cover...
  5. kcharlew

    Album review

    I enjoyed glancing at Eric Sena’s pseudo albums on his,  Albums Without Sound website. After clicking page, after page, after page, I finally came across my favorite album cover, Album 150.  Geosphere - Young Enough To Know Everything   The aesthetic … Continue reading
  6. hfaley

    Albums Without Sound and “The Non-Designer’s Design Book”


    I really enjoyed perusing the Albums Without Sound blog, which I found to be surprisingly creative and diverse in its creations, especially given that this artist takes their inspiration from random Wikipedia articles. My favorite so far has been the cover for “Mass Flow Rate.” I was first attracted to it because the picture was so beautiful, but I also enjoy the minimalism of the cover, as well as the vertical sans serif typeface. I’ve always been a sucker for any sort of title that follows the line of BOLDED FIRST PART UNBOLDED SECOND PART or some variation thereof, and I think that the artist executed this really well, especially in terms of placing and font color. I think both features complement the picture really well - it showcases the entire picture for the most part, and gives you the information you need in a visually pleasing way without disrupting the landscape behind it. I also like how it lines up with the sun - that’s a really nice feature. I’m not very good at symbolism or anything, but given that the name of the band is “Mass Flow Rate,” I can only connect it to the fact that the background image is water - but again, because this artist also choose the photo at random, it’s up to interpretation.

    I’m glad that today’s reading was “The Non-Designer’s Design Book.” I come from zero design background, unless you count at 9th grade “photojournalism” class I took with a teacher that barely graduated from college, so I was happy to be presented with the basic principles of design, which I think will make the projects in the coming weeks, especially the final one, a little easier to take on. 

    I especially enjoyed the “Proximity” chapter and examples with the business cards. I see some pretty terrible designs on business cards - in fact, at the restaurant I used to work at that had one of those “enter your business card for a free lunch” raffles didn’t choose cards at random, but based on how nice they looked. The author’s focus on how our eyes react to the layout and design reminded me how important audience reaction is to your design, and how I will need to keep this in mind in the future.

  7. kmof1992

    Favorite Cover from "Albums Without Sound"

    Courtesy of: http://albumswithoutsound.tumblr.com/ I love this album cover. The past few weeks I've been obsessed with minimalism, so I'm a huge fan of the simplicity of the cover. The text on the top right is small and unobtrusive and colored with simply colors. It also strangely seems to fit with the picture. "Mass Flow Rate" makes me think of the movement of the water, and the title "It
  8. tpcm

    albums without S O U N D

    I really enjoy Eric Sena's style on all of his imaginary albums in Albums Without Sound. I also think the whole process that takes place in order to make these is so unique – a great excuse to get creative. While it was hard for me to pick a favorite album cover, I did manage to find one I really liked:

    When it comes to design, I'm what you might call a "geometric minimalist" – a term I just invented. I really like shapes, lines, patterns, small details, curves...you get the idea. First of all, I think the colors in this cover are spot on. Complimentary colors (yellow and blue) obviously work really well together, so I really love how the artist chose to match these colors together (I don't know if he altered the image or not, but either way they work really well). 
    The typeface is also very interesting. I love unconventional fonts, but really don't like when they're tacky, hard to read, and unoriginal. This font is exactly the opposite: the triangles being used to make up the letters end up forming an intricate, interesting pattern to look at, the words are not hard to read, and the transparency of the letters makes them look light, pleasant and almost fragile. The triangles also work well with the large yellow one , and the smaller one reflecting in. I really love the pattern inside the large yellow triangle – it reminds me of a corner of a building in Chicago that I really like.
    I could definitely see this as a working album cover. It's pleasant to look at and beautifully simple, and I even think the artist name and album name sound completely legitimate. The relationship between the two also works really well, especially since "Yvonne Rudelatt" is an actual name that could definitely be an artist's name. 
    Great cover filled with shapes, lines, and nice, complimentary colors; the perfect recipe for a perfect design.

  9. eitantal

    “Albums Without Sound” Response

    Eric Sena's Album's Without Sound  project was really cool to browse through and see all the great album covers. This particular cover stood out for me for aesthetic reasons as well as how perfect it matches the album and band name. The picture ca...
  10. ajaweston

    My Favorite "Album Without Sound"

    It took me a while to pick one album, because I had so many favorites, but I finally settled on this one. The supposed band is "MFL" and the album title "No one else can see." I was drawn to this album because it is a really interesting image in the wa...
  11. bsosnik

    Albums Without Sound

    Scrolling through the Albums Without Sound website I was really intrigued by all of the designs.  Some covers were better than others, but I found them all interesting and cool.  The concept was really neat and I thought the whole idea of a random Album Title, Picture and Band brought some cool pictures and text together. ...
  12. arianaln

    Album Cover

    This was one of my favorite album covers because I loved the way it integrated an old, historical-like photo with a modern design that still upholds the antiquity of the photo and doesn’t really detract from the ancient aesthetic. The band’s name is “The Ant Network,” which also ties in, as you can interpret the ...
  13. arianaln

    color splash

    On the editing software, Picasa, I clicked on the first “fun and useful image processing” button (the black paintbrush on the top left that is selected in white) and from there selected the “focal b&w” option. This turned the image black and white, except for one are. I then dragged that colored area to the ...
  14. janus ajax

    splash of color


    So I finally opened up my old computer and worked on the splash of color project. Wow I forgot how old my computer was. Looking at the screen was weird considering the clarity is so much worse than the new macbook screens. I also forgot how slow the program ran because my computer always had trouble with it and it seemed extra slow. The plus side was that I knew exactly how to produce the effect I wanted for the splash of color I take the magic wand and select the blue area (hair.) I then keep increasing the magic wand tolerance  until most of the blue is selected without it also choosing things that weren’t her hair. Then I take that raster and make it a layer by double clicking and choosing make layer. I let the hair be the layer be on top of the rest of the picture. I then select the picture and turn it black and white. Leaving the hair the only thing in color. I noticed that after switching back to my normal computer I hadn’t noticed that certain portions weren’t selected all the way leaving some random portions gray and the rest blue. For future reference I’ll need to inspect the picture more carefully for flaws because I hadn’t noticed them on my old screen but opening them on my new computer the errors seem abundantly obvious.image

  15. bridghi

    Design Create #2

    Splash the color.This is the original image I found on the Flickr Creative Commons. I then used Gimp to desaturate the photo, add a mask, and then paint over the mask to reveal the color. This was the easiest one I have done so far, maybe because I am ...

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