ds106 is ramping up, and Michael Branson Smith is going deeper in thought with the idea of the animated GIF: I’m a big lover of the animated GIF having created dozens as bits of reflection on cinematic moments, film posters and comic book covers. These animations are all fabulous homages to stories I love. But I’ve also really enjoyed discovering how the animated GIF became an extension of traditional photography using subtle bits of animation. They’re perfect loops of moments in time, animated still lives. Amazing… Watch her hair and dress flow endlessly, while her eyes hold a perfect stare. Don’t blink. Yes it’s an amazing piece of craftsmanship, definitely a smooth Photoshopper behind this animated loop. I credit their ability, but it doesn’t inspire me. This is what I believe the cinem(gram)graph needs to celebrate – this impishness, raucousness. I love the impossible people are discovering in this medium. ...