1. mbutlerr

    Finally Final

    This is the officially last blog post for ds106, at least grade-wise. HMM, lets take a moment and a round of applause for all that Spring 2013 has completed this semester…done? Great, me too! Well I made it! This is it…this is my final summary post. Wooo! It feels good, it feels exhausting but good ...
  2. mbutlerr

    Tangled (the not so damsel in distress version)

    Story Introduction: Once upon a time/ Not too long ago, Lived a baby princess cute as a bow/ she was the heir who knew nothing but love/ who wouldn’t hurt a dove/ she had caring parents and flynn the best friend/the one who would care until they very end/  but that came to an end all too soon/ what appeared ...
  3. mbutlerr

    FINALE (part 2 of 2!)

    For the final part of my final project I did a design assignment (4 stars; I know, shocker, I did something other than video!). To hand in hand with the finale part 1, I created a PSA Billboard to further announce the princess’s return home! I found the picture on imdb.com. Since the movie is made ...
  4. Ms. Parker

    It’s all over! Oh noooo

    Digital Storytelling Way back in Week 3 of DS106, I wrote about what I thought was digital storytelling in a post titled “This is Meta-hard.” While most of what I said is rather hum-drum, “yea I know that”–one quote stands out: I think that’s what digital storytelling is. I don’t have to know the show ...
  5. mbutlerr

    FINALE (part 1 of 2!)

    To wrap up this wonderful final project, I used the Public Service Announcement (5 stars=ahh! i’m sorry, i just lovveee video!) to show people what Rapunzel decided, which was her family. See my final story post to see what happened with Mother Gothel but I used a PSA video to show the kingdom that their long ...
  6. mbutlerr

    Healing Hair; What doesn’t the world have?

    For my second assignment, i decided to make a an Animated Movie Poster (four stars)! This meant trying my luck with GIF, again. Although the first time was really hard, it was also very rewarding, so with the mindset that I can only fail again, I go to work on a GIF! The purpose of this ...
  7. mbutlerr

    Climax to the maximum

    For the ultimate climax of the entire story, I decided to make my own Video Assignment because i felt like none of them really covered the idea i had in my mind, and as always, we’re encouraged to make some new assignments. The assignment I submitted (3 stars!) was to take a dramatic scene, and not ...
  8. confusedeasily

    The end is here!!

    Back in Week 3 I was talking about what storytelling was to me. I think that I knew some of what storytelling was but not the whole thing, I had a lot of the right ideas in my mind but none of them really were fully there. I think that I now have a more ...
  9. mbutlerr

    The story goes on!

    The third part of my final project was to show Flynn Ryder convincing Rapunzel to leave her tower and cocoon of protection. I did a mash up of two assignments from the Video Assignments bank, Music Video and Animated Music Video to really get this part across. This was after Flynn Ryder finally convinced her to ...
  10. confusedeasily

    Poca Who?

    Hello, my name is Pocahontas and I have something to say, Disney got my story all wrong first of all I do not stay back in lame old America but I went to England with John Smith because we were so much in love. I would do anything for him and he would do anything ...
  11. confusedeasily

    Anger Pocahontas

    I made Pocahontas get mad and it was the easiest thing. i just got a picture of her with a straight face and then mad her get redder and redder in different layers of GIMP and turned it into a GIF nothing really hard there.
  12. confusedeasily

    Is it truee *tear* *tear*

    In had to make John Smith die in my story I know it was sad but it had to be done to bcause I needed to put emphasis on the story line. For this I took a still picture of John Smith when he got injured in Pocahontas and I put it in GIMP to take ...
  13. Girl Without A Net

    Week In Review | Would I Do It Again?

        Heck yes I would. This semester was a great test in creativity, time management, and listening to myself.  Am I exhausted?  Yes.  Did I fail in some aspects? Yes.  Did I succeed in others? Resoundingly, YES. I learned so many things I probably wouldn’t have ever tried on my own.  I was stretched ...
  14. Girl Without A Net

    My 2 Cents Worth

    Dear ds106 Universe, It’s over. I’m done. BUT!  You have not heard the last from me. The over arching theme of this semester in ds106 is “Holy Crap, how am I going to finish all of this!” No, really.  I worked every minute I had available for this class and still managed to get my ...
  15. mbutlerr

    Back to the basics! (part 1)

    For the first part of my final project, I wanted to tell a story but try to be creative with it. I also decided to do two birds with one stone and use some audio in this assignment. This was a recent change because I had plans to do a Five-Sound Story but it didn’t ...
  16. confusedeasily

    John Smith searching for his daughter

    I made a video on YouTube with John Smith looking for his daughter in the woods. To do this I downloaded a screen recorder becuase I had a netflix account and I could not find the parts that I wanted on YouTube. I found all the parts in Pocahontas whre John Smith was searching and ...
  17. confusedeasily

    A baby so real

    Babies are so cute so I made Pocahontas and John Smith have a baby together by morphing their faces together.  The website that I used, because I am not familiar with making a baby and what features to put together, made it simple I just had to add a photo of each parent and then click on the ...
  18. Ms. Parker

    Alice, Interrupted

    When she was a child, she had followed a little white rabbit wearing a small, colorful coat into his hole and found herself in a world called Wonderland. She had told her family and friends these fanciful dreams for years. But now she was 23, and these imaginary worlds were no longer sitting right with ...
  19. Ms. Parker

    Part Four: Escaping

    Part One | Part Two | Part Three For part four of my final project, I chose to forgo the assignments in the assignment bank again. I wanted to make the final part of my story as mysterious as possible. I thought a security camera catching her leaving with a strange man would be intriguing… I am ...
  20. Ms. Parker

    Part Three: Plotting

    Part One | Part Two For part three of my assignment, I didn’t pick a specific assignment. I wanted to create the letter that Alice is sent while she is in the psychiatric hospital. I went onto Deviant Art and found a stock image of notebook paper.   I figured it would be crumpled, ripped out of ...
  21. Ms. Parker

    Part Two: Finding — ??? x 5?

    Part One The second assignment that I chose for my final project was drawn from the Wait, Where’d That Guy Come From? web assignment. I wanted the white rabbit to be travelling and following people in order to find the right Alice. So, to create this part of the story, I went to Google and searched ...
  22. mbutlerr

    The end is…

    THE END IS..finally here! IT’S THE END; how bittersweet. Incredibly awkward, confusing, and inspiring is exactly how I would chose to explain this class. Frustrating at times, yes, without a doubt, however in the same way it was amazing it was also very rewarding. I know it sounds like I’m only praising this class but it’s ...
  23. confusedeasily

    Pinning is my world

    I am normally on Pinterest 24/7 and it has not gotten any slower from there I am always on it looking for new thing to find. Therefore I thought that incorporating my final project with something that I love to do was a must. I made a list of some of the items that Pocahontas would have ...
  24. Ms. Parker

    Part One: Searching – ?????

    This is my first assignment for my final project! To begin Alice’s journey, I created a Reddit.com webpage under the assignment Storytelling Within the Web. Using X-Ray Goggles from Hackasaurus, I edited the html of a random post that I found in the subreddit r/AskReddit. Below is a screen capture of what the page looked ...
  25. cogdog

    106 Things

    It was December 2010 that I spotted my first 106 in the wild, since then I have added another 219. Tomorrow is the deadline for final projects from my Spring 2013 UMW ds106 students. A few grades punched in the system later, and I close out my current era of teaching ds106. After being part of the 2011 horde of open participants, I taught it in person at UMW in Spring 2012 (a parallel section with Jim Groom), co-taught with Martha Burtis the online summer 2012 “Camp Magic Macguffin” experience, and taught a parallel online section with Martha in Fall 2012, and this current semester was the solo teacher at UMW. It’s been quite a ride, but I’m hopping off the bus. Jim is lined up to teach a 5 week summer session starting in May; it should of course be over the top, but you will need to check ...
  26. klamb912

    The End is Nigh

      In week three of DS106, I guessed/created a definition of digital storytelling.  Having now completed the course, I have to say:  I’m pretty impressed with my January-self. “Digital Storytelling:  (course, noun, verb)  Employing the use of multiple forms of … Continue reading
  27. Oh My Gott

    DS106 – I Barely Knew Ye

    What is Storytelling? Here is my week 3 post, “What is Storytelling?”. After reviewing what this young ds106′er wrote a few months ago, I find that I still share a similar definition of what storytelling generally is, but understand the concepts WAY better. I now know what it takes to create a story of your ...
  28. Oh My Gott

    Honest Abe Explores Times Square

    On April 14th, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln arrived at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. This day lives in infamy. President Lincoln watched “Our American Cousin” in amusement from his balcony seat, and halfway through act two, when the crowd erupted with laughter, he was time warped and transported to Time Square, New York City circa ...
  29. Oh My Gott

    Abe Lincoln – Master of Karaoke

    For my final piece of media to be used in the final project, I have created an audio clip. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find “pretend to be a former president and sing karaoke” in the audio assignment repository. My goal was to close out ds106 with something light and fun, so I figured having a former ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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