Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94885 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @wade_764


    Taking this course has already been eye-opening as to what I have been missing out with learning how to publish blog posts and navigate social media. I have always been one to steer away from using social media as I believe it has become toxic in society. However, I have always liked to keep an open mind, and I hope that DS_106 can help change my views with some of these social tools. I understand that I can not change the direction that social media has been going, but I believe that I can contribute towards changes that will help…
  2. @ammmybrookeee


    Unlike most people, I don’t have any issues when it comes to setting goals. My issue is actually achieving them. My goal for the new semester was to wake up at the butt crack of dawn so I’d feel “productive.” Well, the only thing...
  3. @katiereif6


    My main goal for this course is to get more experience creating in a wider variety of mediums. I consider myself a creative person and fairly well-versed in the whole “make something” process, but I have less experience actually putting th...
  4. @Bendire Thrasher

    musings, on ‘goals’

    by bird I am not always the best at thinking up goals. Often, I find that once I actually begin an endeavor and spend some time actually doing it, my understanding not only of the task ahead but my understanding of my own abilities, change drastically. So here I will set down some vague goals […]
  5. @skyler0455

    Course Goals

    I initially added this course to fulfill the Digital Intensive Gen Ed requirement, but now I am excited about what I will be learning and gaining from taking this class. I was not expecting to take this kind of class, as I did not have much experience with producing digital media before this week. Already, […]
  6. @Carrie F.


     If the assignments this week are any indication, this course will help me increase my level of engagement and understanding of numerous internet/digital platforms. By the end of this course, I hope to be able to move fluidly between them improvin...
  7. @PabloMccrimmon

    DS106 GOALS

    When I first came to UMW, I intended to be a music major with a digital studies minor. Long story short, I didn’t. But I have always loved the discussion and dissection of digital media and the digital landscape in an academic setting, in large part due to the fact that I’ve spent the majority […]
  8. @ekardos106

    ds106 goals

    I initially chose to take this class because I believe it is an elective for my major (Communication and Digital Studies). I also have enjoyed my computer science classes in prior semesters, so I was excited to be able to take another one. I have a few goals for this class. First, I would love …
  9. @MasonOberle

    DS106 Goals

    This semester, I am taking a course called Digital Studies. I enrolled in it because, out of all the classes I could take to fulfill my Digital Intensive requirement, this seemed the most interesting. I really enjoy writing and the thought of exploring how to tell stories through digital mediums felt like a natural way… Continue reading DS106 Goals
  10. @Egon2688


    This is the first time I have taken a digital storytelling course and my goal at the being of the week was just to be able to understand the assignments in addition to being able to complete them. This week I have learned so many different things and have used several platforms that I had… Continue reading Goals
  11. @grace_long88

    Goals for ds106

    I initially signed up for this class because it satisfies my last general education requirement allowing me to graduate in December. However, after I read the description and syllabus I became much more excited about it. I enjoy all things related to Computer Science, as I am a Computer Science
  12. @ungrac3ful

    New Goals

    When I think about my future which is approaching with exponential speed, one of my biggest stressors is feeling as though I do not have enough experience for what I want to do. Though I am also a bit unsure of what precisely my career will be, I know...

ds106 in[SPIRE]