1. Lara Hampson

    Monkey Business***

    I created a Music Mashup (found in the audio assignment database) of two different songs that were related to monkeys.  Related to my final project and Curious George, these songs are something he’d be interested in! Immediately, the theme song from ...
  2. Lara Hampson

    George’s Dating Profile*****

    George’s new dating adventure began by creating his online profile.  I used the web assignment, Storytelling within the Web, to edit an existing dating profile. I tried to edit Match profiles for about an hour, but they wouldn’t let me see anyone’s profile ...
  3. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Weekly Summary 15

    Looking back over this semester, I don’t really know what to think.  I still view storytelling as a process that can be told in many different ways and can tell many different things.  It really is surprising the amount of ...
  4. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Luigi Trips Balls

    I don’t think this was actually an assignment listed–might have been, might not.  Anyway, I took a couple videos off of youtube that involved Mario and Luigi and Peach, kept the music playing from the festival, mixed all the stuff ...
  5. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Walking to the Party

    For this part of the assignment, Mario, Luigi, and Peach are walking into the festival in Peach’s Castle.  I did everything in Audacity, blending a bunch of sounds together.  Here’s my workspace. I got all my sound effects from this ...
  6. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Buying Tickets

    http://p.webremixes.org/rrecaxiu This was part of my story where Mario and Luigi buy the tickets for the festival.  I edited everything in X-Ray goggles or whatever that web editor was called.  The original assignment was to tell a story within the ...
  7. cogdog

    MOOC Fiction

    I dream of some magic hack that retweets this classic from Audrey Watters every time someone tweets/blogs/farts about MOOCs Say “MOOC” one more time twitter.com/audreywatters/… — Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) March 19, 2013 We need more Jules. I am but a weak imitation, but over lunch could not rest (and actually forgot to eat lunch) to spin out some MOOC FiCTION “What does the future of education look like?” Say it one more time. Allow me to retort…
  8. Cole's DS106 Blog

    The Festival

    I made a moving poster for the festival mario and luigi are going to.  Not really the original assignment, but it works the same.  For this, I took a bunch of things to get it all together.  First, I downloaded ...
  9. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Running Around

    This part of my final project is the mario and luigi running to the festival in a GIF form.  I made it using the gif animator program I have.  The clip was loaded off of Youtube and then I cut ...
  10. Princess Karissa

    Wedding Palooza!

    For my next assignment for my final project, I created a new assignment (yet again) which calls for creating an invitation to an event. I’m surprised that this wasn’t a design assignment already, but it doesn’t hurt to make a new one. *I suggest reading this post after you read the final blog post* So (continue reading...)
  11. cogdog

    Diving into ds106 at Wagner College

    cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog Do you see those faces? That’s what a two hour dive into ds106 can do for you. At least that is what a group of faculty found out Friday at Wagner College a lovely campus on a hill at the tip of Staten Island. I was brought there by Robin and Neil Hayden, who have been working with the extremely dynamic Vice Provost Lily McNair on a Media Literacy in Teaching and Learning Program. I’ve known Robin for years, but never met face to face until Thursday night, and was excited to be on the bill along with Matt Stoltzfus from Ohio State (who got a dose of ds06 from having seen Martha Burtis and Jim Groom present at two different events this Spring) and Karen Cowden from Valencia College. We each had 20 minutes in the morning to ...
  12. klamb912

    Weekly Summary

    Womp.  This has been a steady climb down hill for me, but here’s what I got done for last week’s assignments: Mashup Assignment: I made a video showing Natalie Portman’s filmography from one of her earlier films (there were ones … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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