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  1. @SushiSupport

    Audio Assignment: Make Your Own Mixtape

    This week, in preparation for our music based radio show, I prepared a mixtape which we will go further in depth on in the show itself. This playlist contains a number of songs that I listen to while taking part in one of the most important activities in my life: cooking. Cooking is something I… Continue reading Audio Assignment: Make Your Own Mixtape
  2. @trippthrumylife

    A Tripp Through UCLA with Kanye and Mr. Worldwide

    Yes. That is the title of this piece, and this piece, is my attempt at a mixtape. EDIT: YouTube and SoundCloud both blocked my mixtape for copyright reasons, so the MP3 is below. This mixtape has been my baby since Monday and has literally taken all of my time and energy–but I am EXTREMELY proud… Continue reading A Tripp Through UCLA with Kanye and Mr. Worldwide
  3. @samprice_ds106

    DS106 Radio Show Mixtape

    So I had already done the mixtape assignment during audio week a while back but decided to do it again because I thought it was fitting to our radio show! I decided to pick out all the best theme songs from different 80s movies and create a playlist so that way when I am putting together the radio show I can pull from those songs to create the background music easier! I chose songs from classic 80s movies like “Pretty in Pink”, “Back to the Future” and of course, “The Breakfast Club”. I also threw in some other 80s theme […]
  4. @PamlanyeJordan

    Little Brain’s Bad*** Mixtape

    For my first audio assignment this week was worth 4 stars! I chose to complete the Make your own Mixtape assignment. I loved making this assignment because I have a playlist for everything! I have a playlist for sleep, working out, going out, everything! And now I have a playlist for my superhero character Little … Continue reading Little Brain’s Bad*** Mixtape
  5. @ana_leino

    Hero Intros

    by I put together this playlist with superhero-type characters in mind.  I really love how in movies certain songs are played along with the introduction of a character and at the climax of that movie.  These are meant to be character and moment-defining songs that stick in your head.  The songs that I put on …

    Continue reading "Hero Intros"

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