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  1. @tlengel2

    No Escape [????]

    This is my first audio assignment of the week – the required Sound Effects Story. The challenge of this assignment was to tell a story using nothing but sound effects! Recently, I’ve been watching American Horror Story. So I was inspired to create a horror/suspense-related story. I hope you enjoy! This projects was certainly challenging, … Continue reading "No Escape [★★★★]"
  2. @caholt2000

    The One That Got Away

    Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Another example (by a UMW student): Assignment Bank- Audio Assignments This short story could be relatable for some

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  3. @gmoore333

    Sound Effects Story – Joe kills a Russian

    For this assignment, we were to choose five sounds and create a short story. I decided to use a knock on the door, dogs barking, baby crying, a gasp, and a gunshot. This story ties into my character Joe Moore finding a Russian who is involved with kidnapping his wife, knocking on his door, hearing …

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