1. Kelli Wisbauer

    Play by Play

    For this assignment (http://assignments.ds106.us/assignmen…) I took a video from youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRlJ9r…). Using a software that my dad has on his computer (Pinnacle), I edited out the music and audio that was in the video originally. Then, I did a voice play by play that i recorded in Audacity. Then, Using pinnacle again, I put the

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  2. Kelli Wisbauer

    Survival Video

    For this assignment (http://assignments.ds106.us/assignmen…) I was supposed to make a video for someone on how to survive something I have already gone through. My video is a survival guide on how to survive an ACL tear. I tore my ACL when I was in 8th grade, so I think the advice that I give in

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  3. Kelli Wisbauer

    Dear sixteen year old me

    For this assignment (http://assignments.ds106.us/assignmen…) I was to write a letter and video tape myself to my 16 year old self giving myself advice. I actually recorded this on the software that is already on my computer (Dell Webcam central) and it actually turned out pretty good! This was worth 2 stars    
  4. Kelli Wisbauer

    Daily Create 520


    For this Dailycreate assignment I was to take a photo that is out of focus. I chose to do this, because it is my moms garden, with a beautiful bridge that my grandfather built with a pebble “creek” the fact that this is out of focus, I think actually draws …

  5. kriscorpus

    Exploring Nightmare At 20,000 Feet Even More


    Any fan of cinema should find it interesting to delve further into the behind the scene work of any visual production or any art form for that matter. Sometimes you will come across something that makes you appreciate the work even more. Let’s talk about some background things happening with …

  6. kriscorpus

    Look, Listen, Analyze


    We have entered the video portion of this ds106 journey and one of my beginning tasks is to analyze a scene from one of the assigned episodes of The Twilight Zone. In this case, the episode in discussion is “Nightmare At 20,000 Feet.”  I must watch this scene in three …

  7. Jessica Ledford


    Today’s tdc was a lot of fun! This was my first Youtube video that I uploaded! tdc519: Make a video of you doing The Macarena, but replace the audio with a radically different song. It really funny! I used the song “I want Candy” by Aaron Carter! You should do one too! Have some fun ...
  8. Sean Placchetti

    Week 3 Summary


    Group Radio Show

    It was fairly difficult to get in touch with my group, I found it a little bit like chasing down work just so I could get my name on the paper. I think, from looking at their write-ups, that they see it a little differently. They got …

  9. Turn 2

    Dialogue Mashup (Twilight Zone)

    Dialogue Mashup

    Difficulty= 4.5 Stars

    Dialogue mashup

    As demonstrated by the Movies Mashup episode of the radio show The Truth, take two different movies and extract the dialogues scenes of actors form each, then re-edit them to create a story as if the characters from different movies were in the …

  10. Rita Art

    Smoking No No


    Three of my favorite shows are “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” “Arrested Development,” and “Scrubs.”  The jokes are different but they all share the same sense of humor.  Sometimes I think how great it would be if they could all share a show together.  Who would enjoy JD’s fantasy worlds …

  11. Alopex

    911 Againā€¦

    Ok This is a repeat. My Twilight emergency maybe was featured on Jim Groom’s hosting of the 18th episode of ScottLo’s LoDown. I heard Jims thoughts and decided, I could definitely do this better. I had fun playing in audacity with this … Continue reading
  12. Turn 2

    Kenny Chesney Mashup

    Music Mashup Difficulty= 3.5 Stars For this assignment, I used audacity to make a mashup of 3 of Kenny Chesney’s more popular songs.  I was able to do some more editing to make it sound as if a DJ were playing the tracks.  Audacity wouldn’t let me use the Itunes tracks to make the mashup ...
  13. Turn 2

    In a Worldā€¦ (Part 2 Re-edit)

    Use The Voice Difficulty= 2 Stars **Re-edited to have some epic music in the background. The new music really gives it that movie trailer feeling.** Don LaFontaine was legendary for hos deep voiceover intros to movie trailers (“In a world…”). Make a recording that uses his style that describes something ordinary or everyday. See the ...
  14. DS106

    Weekly Summary #3

    Weekly Summary #3 Daily Creates TDC512 Perfect Day In Comic Form If I were Bemis TDC512 Assignments Radio Bumper 2 Stars   DS106 Commercial 3 stars   So and Sos Greatest Hits 3.5 stars   Make Your Own Ringtone 2 stars   Total Star...
  15. kriscorpus

    Week 3 Recap

    Audio focused week! Audio Assignments- 911, What’s You Emergency? (Twilight Zone related)- I was noticing all around the ds106spere that people were doing this fake 911 call assignment so I thought I would take a crack at it. I have yet to receive feedback on it but in general my fellow ds106ers have been getting some ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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