Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92939 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @jclark22umw

    Kentucky Fried Chicken in a Pizza Hut


    Recently a song from kindergarten has been stuck in my head, so I thought the Logo Switch Up assignment would be a wonderful opportunity to share it with you all! First I found my two logos, thanks to google images that was easy. Then, into the android photo editing app I went, and made stickers […]

    The post Kentucky Fried Chicken in a Pizza Hut appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.

  2. @samprice_ds106

    Logo Switch Up

    For this assignment, we had to take one brand’s advertisement for another brand and replace the logo of another brand. I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I started off by doing some research on what logos looked similar, and to my surprise, there are quite a few (as long as some lawsuits that went along with it). I decided to combine the logos for PayPal and Pandora. They are both super similar. Here they are originally, side by side. Next, I took the above images into photoshop and cropped the parts of the logo I wanted to […]
  3. @CarbonCarmen725

    Animal Planet Meets Deer, John Deer

    Assignment: Use one brand’s advertisement for another brand by replacing the logo of one brand with the logo of another. Be creative and try to pick similar logos that could look correct in the advertisement if we did not already have the brand awareness! This was one of my favorite assignments because I loved …
  4. @jupiter_pop

    SWITCHING UP LOGOS (and channels)

    ♪ Four, three, two, oneEarth below usDrifting, fallingFloating, weightlessSwitching up, switching up home ♪ Peter “Melody” Schilling I switched things up a bit for my last mashup and did Logo Switch Up! Details for this assignment are as follows: “Use one brand’s advertisement for another brand by replacing the logo of one brand with the […]
  5. @madeleine_ds106

    Logo mashup

    For this assignment, I had to combine two logos into one logo. I chose Target and Urban Outfitters. I used the main red target for Target and then the basic print name for Urban Outfitters. It was really easy to create this graphic. I simply downloaded the two companies’ logos to my computer and then used the graphic design website, Canva, to mashup the two logos.
  6. @DigitalStoryTeller

    Mashups Assignments for week 12

    Mashups assignments    12 Stars Logo Switch Up     2 Stars For this Mashup, I combined two of my kids favorite places to eat. We now have McDonald’s selling pizza. I used Canva to combine the McDonald logo with a pizza from Pizza hut. I tried to put the pizza behind the golden arches but …

    Continue reading "Mashups Assignments for week 12"

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