Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Mariam Ahmed

    A Nice Radio

    The Ds radio was amazing. I heard so many songs that I have never listened to before. I really enjoyed the one piece which peter performed which was Eyes of A New York Women. I was expecting something way more different than what I heard on the radio. When I heard the different sounds and […]
  2. @michaeldgs106

    Post-war treasure hunt gone wrong!

    This radio broadcast was pretty interesting. The era of film the Anthropocene broadcast focused on post-war action/treasure movies. It’s strange to see the transition of this genre evolve into a cold war race. The movies seemed to move away from gold and diamonds to uranium. From that point movies had an “ulterior motive” esc’ tone … Continue reading "Post-war treasure hunt gone wrong!"
  3. @danielleerika4

    Tweet-along Week 5

    Listen: Participate in a live “tweet-along” with ds106 radio this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:30-9:30 PM. We will be listening to audio drama and tweeting our thoughts on what we hear. You might even hear your bumpers. Use&...
  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    DS106 Radio Reflection

    For the first night of the DS106 Radio, the two episodes had very contrasting sound quality. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to tweet along for any of the days, because I was working, but I was able to listen in. Something I found really interesting about this first listening experience was that sound not only was
  5. @Katie73536604

    Tweet a-Long!

    Monday night was the first night I ever listened to DS106 radio! Not only did we listen to the radio podcast but we also were able to tweet along with it as well with other classmates. I thought this was an interesting idea and think other professors could benefit from the idea. When the radio started I was very unsure of how this was going to go. What kind of radio is t going to be? What will we be listening to? What if I lose connection? So many questions running through my mind before it began but once it started I got the hang of what it was gong to be like the rest of the hour. My first reaction to the podcast was to figure out what it was. The voices over the radio sounded so familiar but then again didn’t all voices sound similar back then? Here are some live action tweets that occurred during the show… This first tweet was me trying to guess the show: This second tweet was suggesting that all actors and actresses had similar voices back then: This third tweet was commenting back and agreeing with a classmate who had suggested it sounded like an old western film: Responding to another classmate about not being able to hear the audio very well: Towards the end of the podcast I was able to make out that the show was Douglas of the World. From there I googled it to find out more. This article states that Douglas of the World was a weekly half-hour show that told stories of the adventures of the famed globetrotting reporter Brad Douglas. As far as the technicalities of the show, I think they did a great job of providing an intense and interesting story. The sounds and music that they used really helped emphasize certain aspects of the story. I noticed most of the time the show had background music that kept us on our toes as far as escalating “scenes”. Overall I think this activity was engaging and I really enjoyed the tweet a long with some classmates. Again I think this is a very interesting idea that other professors should take into consideration for future assignments.
  6. @madeleine_ds106

    Live Tweet Along

    I listened to the DS106 radio show Wednesday and did my live tweet along. It was a cool experience and something I’ve never done before. I did some have technical difficulties trying to hear the story properly. However, it was an interesting top...
  7. @bfrullads106 thoughts

    Good afternoon everyone, in this post I’m going to be discussing my thoughts on the shows that aired on MT and Thursday. Unfortunately, I missed the Wednesday show because I totally forgot about it and I was in bed by the time the show aired. Nonetheless, I very much enjoyed the shows that we […]
  8. @tiffmooree

    Tweet Along

    I regret to inform anyone reading this that I was not able to do the LIVE part of this assignment. My schedule this week took a damper on my participation this week, and I was not able to do this aspect of the assignment. However, I was able to listen...
  9. @caholt2000

    Notorious Storytelling

    I tuned in to ds106 radio and participated in a tweet-along with the radio edition of the movie Notorious (1946). It was interesting to see how movies have changed over the years just by listening to the audio of this classic. The amount of sound they can use at once was limited, so they had

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  10. @kdzebdi106

    DS106 James bond comments

    This is my first time blogging about a radio show and from this experience I actually enjoyed it. With constantly tweeting my thoughts, feelings, and what other people has to say about the show. Professor Paul Bond really set the tone with engaging heavily on twitter and I think that really encouraged people to engage…
  11. @CommTweetWithMe

    Live Streaming meets Live Tweeting

    This past Monday night, I participated in a “tweet-along” with my classmates while listening to ds106 radio. While this was my first time listening to ds106 radio, this was also my first time live ‘tweeting-along” with anything. Going into the tweet along, I was nervous and confused about what to expect. But I found that […]
  12. @christinac106

    You’re tuning in live…

    Tonight I tuned in live to ds106 radio from 8:15 P.M. to roughly 9:15 P.M. in hopes to learn more about audio storytelling. For about an hour I listened to the drama unfold in a Ian Fleming novel while I tweeted my thoughts and reactions along side my classmates. This was an experience unlike any […]
  13. @justzaying7


    This week I listened to the radio show, “The Legends ds106 Radio Show!” I thought that this show was done fantastically! I was really interested from the start, due to their being so much activity in the show, and so much going on. I found that it was hard to follow sometimes due to the … Continue reading WOW

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