Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Maeve_ds106

    Week Thirteen!

    Well, the time has come. We are officially rolling into the final week of classes. How did that happen!?! Now that we are nearing the end, the DS106 students are hard at work piecing together their final endeavors. For me, I have decided to dive into the the AIDs Epidemic of the 1980’s and the […]
  2. @rachelds106

    final project plan!

    Idea: “I am Legend” approach but 80’s style Hey everyone, so one of my favorite post-pandemic/apocalyptic movies ever is “I Am Legend” with Will Smith. For my final project, I decided to take this movie and put a couple of twists on it.  First, I’m going to try my best to include an 80’s decade theme to it. For example, in the writing and audio parts of the story I’ll try to include typical 80’s slang that is used, and also maybe talk about items that were typically used in this decade (such as a walkman) as well as make references to movies, icons, or political figures or events that someone from this decade would use.  Spoiler alert!  The story I’ll be following is my character (I haven’t chosen a name yet) will be the last survivor in the pandemic, and she is trying to discover a cure for the disease. Those who were affected by the virus are now zombies, but similar to the movie I Am Legend, they only appear at night/can’t be exposed to sunlight. The story will follow the character as she goes about her life and her struggle to find a cure (she’s a scientist), her hopes that other people may be out there, and reflections on her past life. Elements I will be using (that I know of […]
  3. @IezziHannah

    The Final Product

    Welcome to my new subdomain for my final project! Before reading more about this project I suggest you read my first draft where I outline how this project connects. I hope you are able to look around my domain and see all the media I have created specifically for this project. This project best connects […]
  4. @Mariam Ahmed

    Final project/ Week 15

    This class has taught me so much. When I started this class I knew almost nothing about creating video and audio. I never had my own domain before. This class definitely took more of my time than I expected it too. However I learned many topics in a short time. There were many things like […]
  5. @angelk1208

    Draco Malfoy the Muggle

    “I failed, I’m a failure. What happens now?” Draco thought silently. He is by himself, reminiscing over what happened, or rather what didn’t happen. Dumbledore is not dead. He’s still alive. Draco failed to kill Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Why is this so bad? Because Voldemort ordered him to […]
  6. @jacobhilker1

    Final Project Tutorials

    For my first assignment, a visual assignment, I started by making a sample character in this character creator (note: requires Java). I used Artur’s hair which I modified in app to be more blonde, Chad’s armor which I modified to be green instead of the blue which is default, and while I don’t remember the […]
  7. @jacobhilker1


    “My name is Garulf, second son to Lord Eadric of Blackhill, a small town in the northwest of Byrne. I’ve been a part of the King’s Rangers since I was but a lad of 17. The past isn’t what matters in this case.” “Recently I received an urgent message from King Godric saying the Skuldi […]
  8. @BensonKaylie

    Final Weekly Summary

    Well folks… we did it! Welcome to the last weekly summary. Such a bittersweet feeling. via GIPHY The final project for this class was a fun way to stretch your brain, and use all the information and tools we learned these past 5 weeks! For my story, I turned the classic Little Mermaid story, and put a space-popstar-sad twist on it! I used a visual design element, an audio element, and a video element in my final project. I made posters, some audio clips, a gif, and a video! This was the final product: Ursula won this round… via GIPHY I also created How-To posts on how I did all my media, one for the posters, the vocals for Ariel, the dream sequence, and the gif. And for anyone who now has the song stuck in your head, here you go… When I was done with the project, I took a moment to reflect on this class, what I learned, what I would do differently next time, and what my favorite/least favorite parts were! I’m sad this class is over, I really did enjoy every part of it. I guess all I can say is…so long… farewell… via GIPHY Catch you on the flip side, 106ers! via GIPHY

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