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  1. @actuallyjonathanpulido

    Final Project Idea

    For my final project, I wanna do something somewhat big. I would love to make a mini movie with a script and everything. This project is probably gonna be one of the hardest and longest projects I will every do, but I am actually excited about it. I still don’t […]
  2. @sunglasses260

    Project Ideas – Part 2 (aka the essay post to end all essay posts)

    Last week I wrote about some of my ideas for projects going forward and my thoughts about storytelling and the final project in general. In this post, I’ll be considering themes and ideas that others have discussed and expanding on my ideas from the previous post. It’s going to be a long post, so buckle […]
  3. @effyuwawa

    Project Ideas2

    I looked through a few people’s project ideas. There are 2 that really stood out to me. I really like Hena’s ideas for a Q&A and create a video with a green screen. I think anyone could relate to Q&A questions and we could really get creative with a green screen. I also liked Matthew’s […]
  4. @TurnerM000

    Project Ideas part 2

    After looking through some of my classmates project ideas, I have thought of some ways that we can maybe incorporate multiple ideas into singular cohesive themes? For example, here are some of my ideas based on the thoughts of fellow classmates: One st...
  5. @MoB4884

    Final Project Ideas Cont.

    When looking at a few classmates’ posts from this week a few stuck out to me. Megan’s idea was really cool and was something that I hadn’t thought of! I would love to see everyones favorite posts from this semester compiled into a video. Another great idea was Olivia’s thoughts on a DIY project/hack video. […]
  6. @mto_morgan

    Project Ideas Part 2

    Okay, so this time I have come up with a completely different idea. I want to create an interactive timeline that could involve a couple different things. 1.) I could do a timeline showing videos and telling stories from growing up 2.) I could do a timeline of my work this semester in this course. I am not really sure […]
  7. @imatutu_

    Thinking Ahead

    I think this final project for this class should be something that I really enjoy making and or the subject of the project is something I would enjoy learning about, and that’s why I like the idea Marche had with cryptocurrency. Not much is known about cryptocurrency and how such a intangible item became so […]
  8. @AJSt0rm

    The Ultimate Project

    Well, we have gotten this far through the year. Time to start thinking about final projects. Okay, ideas… ideas… please tell me we have ideas… Well, time to hit the drawing board again. What kind of project would I want to do for a final project? Here are a couple of ideas. Tell A Story …
  9. @Conner44769274

    Project Ideas 2!

    As finals rapidly approach, we are tasked with thinking about ideas for our final projects in DS106. You may recall my initial thoughts and how I was really at a loss on what to do. I am still not super confident in any of my ideas, but I’ve had much longer to think about it. […]
  10. @jclark22umw

    Project Inspiration


    I have a few ideas for a final project. I think Conner had a great idea, creating a tutorial of an important hobby/craft is definitely interesting. Rosemary had some great inspiration to! I think I may try to create a crash course style video on my majors, and why I think they’re interesting. However, I […]

    The post Project Inspiration appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.

  11. @RMdigitally

    More on RM’s Project Ideas!

    I’ve been taking some time this week to really think about what I would want to create in a final project. I looked back at my original project ideas post and tried to pin down some more solid thoughts. I also read through Maddie’s project ideas and Maddy’s project ideas, and it seems like we’re…
  12. @madelinek106

    Final Project Ideas 2

    Project Ideas 2 Post I have been more about my final project. In this post I will expand on my previous post with my initial ideas. My favorite idea is a music video/ music theme final project. As I said in my first post I really like making music with different instruments. I have incorporated music in almost […]
  13. @VhudschNor2

    More ideas for future projects

    I enjoyed my group’s project of doing a documentary on the aftershock of the epidemic. Perhaps we could do something similar, and showcase how we’re handling the epidemic, and not being able to go outdoors, since this current issue effects everybody in the country and we can all relate to it. It would be interesting […]
  14. @lizlynnkondzel


    So. Based on the things that i’ve been reflecting on and things i’ve learned (and also haven’t learned). I’ve realized that I dont really vibe with the idea of a video based final project. My video editing skills are lackluster at best, and its hard to get a Solid Uninterrupted period of quiet and quiet […]
  15. @jollykyles

    Project Ideas: Part 2

    I would really love to use what we have learned during this class to dive deeper into what I’ve been doing outside of this class. I started a business I am very passionate about, in something that not a lot of people know about. Hemp. It’s ...
  16. @abiles11


    Reading Professor Bond’s ideas on our projects really helped me shape what I was thinking about more. At first, I was dead set on doing the project by myself, but after reading some of the other students ideas, and reading what Professor Bond said about physical distancing but still being socially connected, I am having … Continue reading "ideaspart2"

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