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  1. @IngrahamAllison


    I would prefer to stay away from group projects as much as possible because completing a group project all online is difficult. I have done it before and it always happens that no one can all meet at the same time until the project is due. I like my original ideas I had regarding cooking/baking …
  2. @samprice_ds106

    Final Project Ideas Pt. 2

    So I have spent the last week thinking about different final project ideas when just now the best idea just popped into my head. I want to either create or recreate an iconic 80s dance video or music video. I would want to recreate the outfits, props, and any videography. This would let me incorporate a bunch of the different topics we’ve covered in class such as video editing, audio, and design. I would really really want to do this idea because I also think it would be something really fun to help get my mind off everything going on […]
  3. @V20Kai

    Project Ideas (again 2.0)

    While looking through everyone’s ideas for the final project, there were a number of ideas that I thought I could bounce off of. Though to be honest, I’m still pretty solid on my own project ideas. The idea of working in a group would be a great way to maintain that connectedness while we’re all […]
  4. @IezziHannah

    Project Ideas Part 2

    As I look back at my previous post about project ideas, I only feel more strongly about this idea. I have used the past weeks since to cultivate this character and I have used this week to even create a trailer introducing her.  Looking at it from a holistic perspective, I have noticed that I […]
  5. @camowalker22

    Think Ahead: Project Ideas

    I really like my original ideas but some more ideas for a project would be: 80’s crime scene Some type of storytelling Compare 80’s video game consoles to the ones from today Re-enact scenes out of an 80’s TV show like Full House Name that 80’s Movie Name that 80’s Song Do an 80’s photoshoot…
  6. @MentalWalkabout

    The Long Con

    While looking so far out is far from the usual for me, it is a nice activity to do from time to time. I still like my previous ideas about the possible topics, but after checking out some of the ideas put out by other students, I’m definitely open to some different ideas. One that…
  7. @ds106_mckayla

    Final projects thoughts.

    “Maybe, a story about an 80s movie, and creating a different ending or beginning. Messing around with the climax or the movie message itself by recreating it, or adding to it.” I still enjoy this idea which I created but I did see some interesting other final project ideas as well. I have not decided yet what I want to commit to yet, but I will have to pick soon. I could revise my original idea if someone else wanted to add something to it, I am up for anything. I also am willing to build upon ideas from the
  8. @abbcass100

    Final Project Ideas Pt. 2

    After reading Prof Bond’s comments on my idea (comparing life today with life in the 80’s) the topic interests me even more now that no one has ever done it! In my mind I was thinking of interviewing my parents and maybe some of my grandparents to get different perspectives. I also think Melody’s idea…
  9. @butterball_4567

    Project Ideas Part 2

    After looking at others project ideas and reflecting on my own, I think I would like to go with this idea: “A story of an 80s movie, told as if it’s a video diary. So Breakfast Club, we’d choose one character, and tell the story from just that one person’s point of view. With Back […]
  10. @danielleerika4

    Final Stretch

    After reading Dr.Bond’s comments on everyone else’s final projects for the course I went in and did some research to think about my final project. I have some ideas I want to do more thinking and discussion of. I do not want to push myself too much because of the fact I am taking 6 […]

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