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  1. @OraMyAura

    Radio Show Week 2 Progress – complete!

    Our group, Myths, Legends, and Character Conversations came together and finished the job off this week.  We were pretty productive the first week and so this week was all about everyone besides the 2-3 who had already, finishing up their own personal stories and uploading.  Lastly, Maggie did a great job of putting everything together …

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  2. @fatolliecat

    Radio Show Week 2

    It’s DONE! Yay! I had a fun time doing the show. It was nice interacting with the group, and developing our characters. Script writing was a bit like pulling teeth, but I get that. A lot of things really came together kinda late in the game as we were writing (the premise of the group,…
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  3. @FCMaisano

    Radio Show Week 2-It’s a Wrap!

    For Week 2, there was less decision-making between the whole group and more individual work, since our parts were individual stories, bumpers, and commercials. The only thing we really decided on this week was that to have an intro before each story to explain a little bit about it and our characters beforehand. Over the […]
  4. @maci_winebarger

    Radio Show progress Part 2!

    It’s almost time for you all to hear our show!! Everyone has gotten their bumpers, commercials, and stories together (sorry mine was the last to come in team, it’s been a rough week). Everyone uploaded their pieces to Soundcloud so Maddie could put it all together (thanks Maddie!!!). It will be done before tomorrow night […]
  5. @Ms_AmandaP

    Radio Show, Part 2

    During this final week the radio show has proved to be a little challenging. It was difficult to get everyone on the same page because it took a few days to get everyone on the same page. That being said, our group came up with some great segments. It was great being able to collaborate […]
  6. @Hannah Woehrle

    Week 8

    Oy vey. Group work is always hard, but in an online class, it’s even more complicated. Thankfully we were all willing to do the work that needed to be done to finish in time. We started the week by divided our responsibilities. Eric volunteered to do the editing, Courtney volunteered to do the writing, and …

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  7. @edorman

    Radio Show Progress Part 2

    We laid down our idea, an interview between a show host and a retired hero, and delegated assignments. Ultimately, Hannah and Megan did the interview, Courtney did the reverse songs and the intro, everyone did ads, and I put the sounds together in Auda...
  8. @LilahKBB

    WEEK 8: KLLM Radio Show Finished

    Like I mentioned in my last post I was really glad to be able to work together with people and see them face-to-face. Overall the making my section of the podcast was not difficult but the background music and figuring out when to add background sound effects was. I ended up not adding sound effects …

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  9. @k8lynclements

    Sweet n Sour Progress

    The progress of Sweet n Sour is now complete! We finished it on Thursday night and I am very happy with it! We worked on all the in-between products for the radio show last week. The beginning of this week we began to organize the order of our radio show. It was hard to do this over Fall Break but we all got our individual character stories in on Wednesday. By Thursday, everything was ready and I put all the...

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  10. @ldeitrick


    I’ve been pleasantly surprise how easy the collaboration between most members of the group has been solely through online communication. I live and work in Arlington, so meeting in person wasn’t an option for me. And while online communication made my life easier, it also made me nervous about putting together a radio show. I …

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