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  1. @danielleerika4


    Do a 20 minute Photoblitz. Be sure to grab the code and include the seven tasks you were assigned in a blog post, along with the photos you took. Include your reflections on the exercise in your post. Tag this post photoblitz. Thanks Jo...
  2. @JasmineAlanis2

    Photoblitzer vs 007

    This was such a fun assignment! I was able to take the majority of the pictures within five-ten minutes. The only one that was a struggle was the advertising one (number 7). I wasn’t able to find any advertising but when I was in Nashville last weekend I took this photo of the mural at
  3. @Michael48861254


    by— Michael Brown (@Michael48861254) February 9, 2019— Michael Brown (@Michael48861254) February 9, 2019— Michael Brown (@Michael48861254) Febru...
  4. @morgan_ds106

    Blitz Attack!

    First we had to take a picture of the time when we started. So, I just took a picture of my screen. My next task was to find something that represented the moon. I went to the barn today so I decided to use the barn as my opportunity. This is a pic...
  5. @caholt2000

    Picture Perfect!

    This was exhilarating. For some of the tasks, I knew exactly what to do, but for others, it was a completely different story. I took a lot of extra pictures because I got a better idea for the task while I was trying to find something to take a picture of for another task. I

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  6. @kdzebdi106


    below is the list of photos I took within 20 minutes. A photo where some or all of your subject isn’t in focus. Take a picture that emphasizes a single color. Take a creative photo without aiming in the viewfinder A photograph of something old or aged today. An interesting shadow. Make a photo of…
  7. @Katie73536604


    The Photoblitz challenge was interesting! I actually had a lot of fun with it and I will probably use it in the future for photo ideas. When I first opened the link, I saw my challenge, and I just wasn’t too excited about it so I “clicked for another list”. The second list to come up was a bit more interesting so I began. Here was the the first task, with the photos that follow: This Photoblitz challenge was fun! I wish I could have done it on a nicer day but I’ll take it! Even though I felt rushed to get these pictures done, I still had about 8 minutes left when I was finished. I took these photos using my phone, sent them to myself and then uploaded it! I had trouble uploading the photos originally, I think my computer is running out of space. Hopefully I can take some time to delete 4 years of files this weekend so that I don’t run into this issue again!
  8. @faith_martino

    Fast Photography

    Musical Photo Quick Photo Texture or Dimension I was a little confused with this one. I did not understand what kind of picture I was meant to take. So I took one with lots of texture, then one with Little Rosie compared to a book for dimension. Human Hand Destruction My take on destruction. It gave me anxiety; I had to clean afterwards! Pattern Crowd I did not have a crowd to photograph, so I was creative and made a flower crowd! Final I had a ton of fun with this project! I was super interesting to try and use all the ways of being a better photographer while being on a timer. Unfortunately, I could not find a code anywhere on the page.
  9. @christinac106

    Let’s Blitz Them

    The last task I decided to dive into this week was called a photoblitz. I had never heard of this before nor have I ever participated in one so I was fairly excited about this new opportunity. This activity asked that I complete a set of 7 tasks which required me to take 7 photos […]
  10. @CommTweetWithMe

    “Flash” Photography

    On your mark…get set…go! This week, I participated in a Photoblitzer challenge. The photoblitzer challenge is when you get a list of pictures to take. The task for this assignment seemed simple enough. I had 20 minutes to run around cmapus in a flash to try to capture as many of the photo ideas listed […]
  11. @bfrullads106

    Photoblitz Challenge

    I enjoyed the photo blitz challenge overall, I think it is a fun way to spend a sliver of a day being creative and challenging yourself to make some art. The only complaint I have is that the prompts could’ve been more interesting, or worded more effectively. Thanks for looking!
  12. @madeleine_ds106


    by  start time: 4:57 end time: 5:07 This photo blitz required me to do a variety of different photographic activities. For the most part, they were all relatively easy. A picture of the grass outside of my backdoor, a close up of a little fake Christmas tree my mom gave me, a cool pair of pants I bought a couple of months ago, a picture of J.K. Rowling smiling from a 2018 calendar that is still up in my kitchen, an angle from the floor of part of my living room, and my favorite color- purple. The only picture I had difficulty with was taking a photograph of something “rusted or crusted.” I’m not sure I did this one correctly, but it was the only thing I could think of. I just took a picture of a dead plant I have been meaning to throw out. However, I could argue that I made it beautiful because plants and flowers, when alive, are beautiful. This photo blitz assignment was also fun! It was exciting to have to quickly take a picture to match each category with a time limit.

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