Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @danielleerika4

    RadioBumper Set-up

    Create a Radio Bumper: Once you’ve familiarized yourself with ds106 radio, try your hand at making your first radio “bumper” – a 10-30 second short audio that announces the radio station that is played between songs to remind listeners what they are tuned in to. This should be saved as an MP3 file, and then upload […]
  2. @JasmineAlanis2

    Ds106 Radio Bumper

    This was so much fun! The assignment was to “Create A Ds106 Radio Bumper” I decide to keep the dialogue simple and to the point, thank the audience for listneing and state the radio name. I found the music on by typing in “spy music.” This sounded the most festive and on theme, and also like
  3. @madeleine_ds106

    Radio Bumper?

    While the live tweet along for the DS106 Radio is over for the week, I made a Radio Bumper earlier this week and posted it to my SoundCloud. I have not listened to the radio in years since I usually connect my phone to my car’s Bluetooth to list...
  4. @morgan_ds106

    “This is DS106 Radio. Stay Tuned For More!”

    This was an interesting assignment. The hardest part was coming up with what to say. The sound was pretty easy for me to find thankfully. I really thought that was going to take forever. I kinda added a little twist on the end of my radio bumper. Maybe there can be games and whatnot incorporated …

    Continue reading "“This is DS106 Radio. Stay Tuned For More!”"

  5. @CommTweetWithMe

    Bump Up the Radio

    Week 5 tasked me with another assignment I have never done before and that was to create a radio bumper. When I fist read this assignment description, I had no idea what a bumper was. So my first task to creating a radio bumper was to learn what a radio bumper is in the first […]

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