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  1. @hrashhDS106

    WEEK TWELVE: Karaoke & Bollywood Mashups/Remixes

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose assignments from the “Mashup Assignments” section in the assignment bank. All of the assignments combined have to have a total of eight stars. The assignments I chose were “Buffalax!” (3 stars) and “Animoji Karaoke” (5 stars). Additionally, I chose to do two remixes from previous assignments. The assignments […]
  2. @samprice_ds106

    Animoji Karaoke

    Have an iPhone? Create yourself using Apple’s Animoji and sing or lip sing to your favorite song! Save the video and upload it to your blog. Make sure to include 1) Why do you think your character looks like you? 2) Why did you chose this song? This mashup includes elements from video, audio, and written work.  For this assignment, we had to record ourselves as an Animoji doing karaoke to a song. I think the character looks like me because I designed it to look just like me! I chose the pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. I […]
  3. @danielleerika4


    For this assignment (5 stars!) I worked with an iPhone 11 Max Pro, animoji app, YouTube and my email. Initially I recorded my animoji on my phone in a texting conversation which I sent to myself. I downloaded the video to my camera roll, then I emailed it to myself. Next, from my email I […]
  4. @ds106_mckayla

    Animoji Karaoke.

    This is the original assignment worth 5 stars. With my iPhone XS, I created myself using Apple’s Animoji. I decided to listen and lip sing the song, “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey from the 80s. I saved the video and uploaded it onto YouTube and my google drive. I answered the questions, ” Why do you think your character looks like you?” “Why did you chose this song?” This mashup includes elements from video, audio, and written work that I created all on my iPhone.  I created my own personal emoji with blonde hair and blue eyes. I chose to
  5. @tiffmooree

    Animoji Karaoke

    Stars: 5 This assignment was super easy! The hardest part was finding a phone to do it with. I don’t have a phone with Animoji, so I had to use my boyfriends phone. He agreed immediately, but I didn’t want him to see me make a fool of myself! I went into the bathroom and used my phone to play the music, while using his to record my animoji. We had to fiddle around with the app, because it wasn’t working properly, but eventually got it to work. Then I sent it to myself and saved it from my laptop. Overall, this assignment was waaaaaay too cringe for my liking, but it was the first time I’ve used Animoji! I don’t know if ill ever use it again, its too creepy (especially when you stick out the tongue!).

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