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  1. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 6; Design Thoughts

    One thing that stuck out to me the most from this article was the excerpt on colors. Popova describes how mixing colors can evoke certain moods in a viewer. I’ve been programming for a very long time and my favorite part is designing websites. It’s very rewarding for a design or sketch come together perfectly …

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  2. @tiffmooree

    Design Thoughts

    A Kid’s Designer Guide to Graphic Design by Chip Kidd sounds like a brilliant way to not only get kids involved in graphic design, but also adults. It offers a guide to what graphic design is and how to achieve it. There are many different ways ...
  3. @caholt2000

    Reflecting on Design

    First things first, I absolutely love graphic design. As soon as I saw this was design week, I got so excited. I did a lot of graphic design my senior year of high school when I was taking an Advanced Design class and Photojournalism (working on the school’s yearbook). I am so ready to create

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  4. @christinac106

    Thinking about design

    Design is so important. It’s in everything we do. More importantly it pulls stories together. To learn a bit more about design I decided to read Massimo Vignelli’s “The Vignelli Cannon”. This was a read suggested to us this week but I was more than happy to dive in and invest my time in reading […]
  5. @CommTweetWithMe

    It’s all in the design

    What is design? When I first read this question, I thought I had an easy answer. However, when I tried to answer it, I had trouble putting into words what design actually is. What is design? What is it’s purpose? What makes something look like something? What distinguishes design from decoration? This week started off […]
  6. @bfrullads106

    Design Thoughts reflection

    Hey everyone, today I’m working on another blog post for week 5, and it is about the elements of design that we interact with throughout human existence. After reading through decent portions of the two assigned readings about design, I feel like I have a much better understanding of what design is. I can now […]
  7. @kdzebdi106

    Keamo’s thoughts on design

    After reading The Vignelli Canon I learned that there is are 3 aspects to design: Semantic, Syntactic and Pragmatic. It’s actually slightly similar to the steps of software development. As you start with planning then implementing. In the article, Brain Pickings article about Kidd and his book, They discuss the importance of designing and how…
  8. @madeleine_ds106

    Design Thoughts

    After reading the Vignelli Cannon and the article about Kidd and his book focused on Graphic Design for kids, I think I have a better understanding of the importance of design. In the Brain Picking article, it claims that every decision we make is bas...
  9. @fatolliecat

    This is my design

    Design is everything. Everything is design. It really is everywhere, though. We talk about it in HISP classes, mostly architectural, but occasionally interior as well. Design is what I knit, what I wear, how I arrange my ridiculously large collection of stuffed animals, and those stuffed animals themselves. Designs follow temporal trends, but the very…
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