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  1. @missgoofyxx

    Designing a Decision

    I chuckled when I noticed the kids book listed on this week’s weekly assignment post. That’s a wonderful book and I think it’s a great book for kids to have because it makes them aware of all the design aspects in the things around them. There are fliers, posters, billboards, store signage, ads, and countless […]
  2. @lizlynnkondzel

    graphic design is my passion

    so the general vibe that i got from the readings and articles & my minor rabbit-holing is that less tends to be more, and that good designs tends to be somewhat timeless. And I understand this and the appeals of this, especially for brands trying to build brand recognition, but it kind of goes against […]
  3. @IngrahamAllison

    Reading thoughts

    Click here for the article! While reading “A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Iconic Designer Chip Kidd,” I enjoyed learning about how colors are made. Cool colors are bade of blues, greens, grays, and purples. These colors show a sense of the chiller side of the world. Warm colors are made from reds, yellows, …
  4. @samprice_ds106

    Design Reflection

    I am very excited for this week. I think I want to be a web designer/graphic designer so this is gonna be a very fun week for me. In some of my other classes I am learning how to more in-depth how to use photoshop and other photo-editing programs so I am excited to be able to use what I am learning in those classes and apply it to what I make this week. The first thing I did was watch the video on Stranger Things. I thought it was super interesting. It was cool to see the though process […]
  5. @V20Kai

    What Makes Excellent Design?

    Today I read Massimo Vignelli’s The Vignelli Canon and a Brain Pickings article about Chip Kidd and his book on design for children to gain a better understanding of what makes an excellent design. Honestly speaking, there were many things I never considered. In all the times that I have ever “designed” anything, I merely […]
  6. @abbcass100

    Thoughts on Design

    Vignelli: I like how Vignelli acknowledges that each person has their own sense of style, but that there are rules that have to be followed within your own sense of style. I thought the point of semantics was one of the most important points. You have to know what you’re trying to create as well…
  7. @butterball_4567

    Design Thoughts

    After reading The Vignelli Cannon by Massimo Vignelli, I learned that design is like communicating. The viewer’s understanding of the meaning or end goal of the design is of most importance because if the audience does not understand the design, then all else fails and nothing else matters. Therefore, design is carefully thought out and […]
  8. @ds106_mckayla

    Design Reflections.

    Massimo Vignelli was an Italian designer who designed from furniture to package designs to graphic designs. Within his booklet called,  The Vignelli Canon, he first wrote about his perspective on design. On page 14, “We design things which we think are semantically correct and syntactically consistent but if, at the point of fruition, no one understands the result, or the meaning of all that effort, the entire work is useless.” Design is created with intent. We create design with power, intent, and force. I also picked out another quote by Vignelli about discipline. On page 16 he wrote, “The attention
  9. @danielleerika4

    Design Thoughts

    The Vignelli Canon By: Massimo Vignelli: Below are some quotes I enjoyed while reading this text. “Creativity needs the support of knowledge to be able to perform at its best” “It is up to the brain to use the proper formula to achieve the desired result” “It is my hope that this book may provide […]
  10. @JasmineAlanis2

    It’s all by design

    The reading by Maria Popova and Massimo Vignelli were really insightful and helpful in thinking critically about design. The most impactful part of the article by Maria Popova that I wanted to re-share was: Graphic design needs your willing mental participation, even if it’s subconscious. Graphic design is message-sending into the brain. It is a

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