Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @abbcass100

    Our Progress

    Our group is making great progress! We decided that we wanted to discuss mainly 80’s music and try to figure out what these songs have in order to make the “80’s sounding.” We are then going to talk about modern songs that have the same characteristics as true 80’s songs. I just created my version…
  2. @jupiter_pop


    Radio Show Week 1 Progress Report This just in: Ds106 Radio show groups have been formed and topics have been discussed. My group started out with only myself and Kollin Carter, but through a shocking turn of events, our group is now the largest at 6 people. That’s at least a half hour show! My […]
  3. @madeleine_ds106

    Radio Show Week 1

    So this week my group members and I outlined our ideas for our radio show and got some promotional work done for it. We decided to incorporate the theme of the class, secret agents, by talking about spies, real and fictional. Our show is called &#8220...
  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    Radio Show Progress

    Meet our team: Jasmine Alanis, Hannah Duncan, and Morgan Roane Spy characters: Scott Wilton, Megan “Flaire”, and Jess Carter Weekly update: This week our teamed formed and we started our google doc to brainstorm ideas and contribute our parts. So far, our main idea for our radio show is to have a character meeting: Have
  5. @CommTweetWithMe

    Girl Power is Getting Ready to Go

    This week ended with finalizing some of the major details that will go into the creation and content for our radio show! Our radio show is called, “Girl Power,” and is a radio show dedicated to diversifying our understanding of the secret agent theme through exploring the stylistic, design, and audio choices that go into […]
  6. @bfrullads106

    Show Progress Update

    Hey everyone! Today I’m checking in to share an update on my progress so far this week towards our group’s project. In terms of teamwork- everything is as good as can be. My group and I have been working well together, interfacing about different ideas and weighing pros & cons. A lot of the communications […]
  7. @OraMyAura

    Myths, Legends, and Character Storytelling Process & Progress

    Well, I am glad to say, our group has hopped on board and started rolling with our show!  We have gotten quite a bit accomplished already this week.  We listed all assignments needed, split out the tasks amongst the group, and already have completions.  So far we have: All 3 bumpers complete 2 posters complete …

    Continue reading "Myths, Legends, and Character Storytelling Process & Progress"

  8. @FCMaisano

    A Conversational Start!

    So, I will admit-I was quite confused and unsure about the radio thing! I was waiting for others to star getting into groups and start looking for groups, so I could hop in! I ended up in a group of seven people! With seven of us in the group, it takes a little bit of […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]