This assignment required me to tell a story using at least 5 gifs. I had a little trouble beginning the assignment because the link I was using to embed some of the gifs refused to work. I then decided to go about it via Twitter since all the gifs I found on were also on there. If you click the link to my Twitter above, you can follow the gif story! The assignment required me to have the viewers guess the story, so if you haven’t seen my tweets yet, don’t read the next sentence yet! The overall story of my gifs is the story your parents would tell you growing up: don’t eat watermelon seeds or a watermelon will grow inside of you. My first gif is of a cat eating a slice of watermelon, then someone telling them not to do that (eat the seeds), then the cat (or man) is sick in bed, next is a gif of Amy Poehler pregnant (pretend it’s the watermelon), and the last gif is a woman with a watermelon slice as her skirt, but we’ll pretend she is now part watermelon. This assignment was really easy, but it forced me to be a little creative. Something that isn’t exactly one of my strong suits. However, I enjoyed the idea of telling a story through the use of gifs!