Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @mwolfindale

    ds106radio bumper

    I recently joined ds106 as an open participant, whilst conducting a very small scale micro-ethnographic study of ds106 as part of the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course (#mscedc). I have been following along with week five of UMW Spring 2020 and was inspired while listening to ds106radio this week, and hearing everyone’s radio bumpers, to try my hand at the …

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  2. @1215007705141780482

    Radio Bumper

    I remember back in my broke boy days when I would listen to the radio and they would have during the breaks they would summarize the purpose of the radio, and that is what I wanted to do here. My radio is about hip-hop music. Not just any hip-hop music but the biggest, illest, sweetest […]
  3. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Bumper

    For this assignment we were instructed to create a radio bumper for the DS106 radio station! In all honesty, I was kind of dreading this assignment because I don’t like the sound of my voice on recording but it actually ended up being really fun. I recorded myself on my phone saying a little speech I came up with for the radio station and then sent it to my laptop where I used GarageBand to add some fun guitar riffs to make it sound more real. I’ll be tuning into the radio station tonight so I am hoping to hear […]
  4. @jollykyles

    Radio Bumper

    I was asked to create a 20-30 second radio bump that would be used in-between songs or podcasts or some other audio form to remind the listener what they tuned in to. This is what I ended up creating (It’s big yikes):
  5. @grace-ds106-2019

    Radio Bumper

    I started out with a fairly simple and easy going first assignment so I could get use to uploading and working audio files. I created a voice memo on my iPhone then uploaded it into Soundcloud. Hope you enjoy this radio bumper! #radiobumper
  6. @ds106_mckayla

    DS106 Radio Bumper.

    I really enjoyed creating my first bumper ever!! I used my voice memo on my phone to record myself, and uploaded it onto my computer. Then I imported that to Audacity and went to free sounds online and chose a guitar playing for background music. I found the hardest part of this assignment was what to say for my bumper. This is what I decided to say in my bumper: “Hello everyone! This is Mckayla Washington from DS106. I hope you are enjoying the music you are listening to today, and remember that you are listening to DS106radio!” I am excited
  7. @yarasaleh68

    My Radio Bumper

    I had no idea what a bumper was before starting this assignment. Little did I know, it was something I’ve been hearing since as long as I could remember. I don’t even know why I didn’t know that the name for those pauses within the radio stations are “radio bumpers”. I feel that’s super interesting …

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